Sunday, November 19, 2006

I am so challenged!

Ok, I started this, then didn't do anything with it. Now I don't even know what my user name or password are anymore! I really need to write these things down.

I'm going to publish this to see what user name it uses. I thought my user name was heart for children, but now it is saying it does not have a user name as! My brain just can't grasp it! :)

Friday, November 10, 2006

Not sure about this!

Well, I am not so sure about 'blogging'! I am technilogically challenged, and a horrific speller, so the thought of putting my writing out there in the big bad technical world is a little intimidating, but my friend Emily started a blog and I had to sign up to leave her a who knows, I might just enjoy having a place to vent! ha!

I am a wife to John and mother to three beautiful children who live with me and three children who God has chosen that I mother by distance! Talk about a confusing family!

We have a failed adoption of twin girls from Africa. I will tell more of that story maybe another day. We completed the aodption in her country but could not get a visa because of difficulties with the way our adoption agency completed the adoption. She will always be my daugther in my heart, and I pray for her continually! Her twin sister died of cholera before I ever got to meet her. So she is one of my angel children. The other angel child is our first baby that we lost to a miscarriage.

Now for the children who live with me! We have a biological daughter, a domestically adopted son, and another biological daughter that God surprised us with while we were waiting to here about the outcome of our African adoption.

That is our family.....The Petree Patch