Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Balance seems to be the word for me these days in every area of my life! Balance between being mom and running an agency, balance between faith and stupidity, balance between disciplining my children and tearing them down, balance between speaking truth into people's lives and putting my nose where it doesn't belong, balance between being an alien in this world but still being salt and light....

I long to live a life glorifying to God, well, at least most days! Yet lately I have really struggled with this world not being my home. I am so uncomfortable here, and I really don't like to be uncomfortable. I find myself flip flopping between being so excited about what God is doing that nothing else matters and resenting the fact that I can't pursue the things of this world (ie: more money, nicer clothes, etc). I think I am in an identity crisis! It sounds so simple to be able to say, my identity is in Christ. Period! The things of this earth have nothing for me! And it truly is that why the struggle?

So I continue to look for balance....and right now that means going to bed so I can start again in the morning!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

SO very true my friend! I am glad to hear your thoughts about this world not being my home spoken as well. A good reminder for us all! Love you! Crystal