Tuesday, August 25, 2009

For Debbie and Karen

Debbie posted a comment on my last post. It was a very honest and straightforward post. I like that. The only problem, Debbie, is that you don't know me. You make many assumptions in your comments that are not true, but part of being transparent on a public forum like a blog is that criticism such as yours from people who don't really understand/know your heart come.

I assure you that I am not just sitting back and saying God doesn't exist. If that were so, I would not be feeding 51 children with my own personal money as well as the many other things I am doing.

However, in Job that you quoted, Job does question! So I don't believe as you alluded that it is wrong to question at all! What would be wrong is to stay there. This is why I am fasting and praying...in order to not stay there.

Any Christian I know who has stretched themselves beyond themselves have had the same questions I have had. One of the reasons I share is because I don't believe enough Christians share their struggles. Most Christians in the churches I have been in put on their masks and tell everyone they are "fine" when they are really dying on the inside. I believe if more of us would be honest, and walk through these crisis of faith with each other in love without criticism and blame, more Christians would take more risks. But when you take a risk and find yourself in unknown water, there usually is not another brother or sister to walk with you because that would mean they would have to admit they had a weakness too...not many are willing to do that.

If one person can relate to what I have written and continue on in a walk with God because they know they are not alone in their struggles, then putting myself out there to be criticized is worth it.

And, Debbie, you hit the nail on the head with one of your comments....you alluded to people being the ones to not do things. To that I say, AMEN! If more "Christians" were doing more, we wouldn't have orphans, or poverty or many other things...at least not nearly to the extent that the world does right now! So if you are reading this and haven't done something to help someone less fortunate than yourself in the last month, I challenge you to do something...serve at a soup kitchen, donate food to a food bank (and not just the stuff that you won't eat..have your family skip a meal and donate that meal to the food bank!), donate to an organization that feeds orphans (I could put you in touch with a really good one! hint!hint!), or just take a sack of groceries to the door step of a family that you know is in need. If we would all do just a little bit....we would impact the world for Christ....

and despite what my latest posts have said, that is truly the heartbeat of my life, and those who truly know me and know the struggles that are in my life right now, know that...I am just being stretched right now....and being stretched is always painful and difficult!

Karen, thank you for understanding, relating and being willing to put yourself out there too (Crissy too!). You ladies are dear to me! And Karen, YES, let's do it together! Burdens are always lighter when divided among friends...and this is why I love the Body of Christ!


Reading Widely said...

I don't think that there is anywhere in scripture that it says you can't question God. The psalms are full of a "man after God's own heart" questioning God over and over. Even Jesus questioned God on the cross - He said "Why have you forsaken me?"

I'm sorry that some readers don't understand where you're coming from HollyAnn. Personally, I appreciate your honesty. So often it's easy to assume that people who are in leadership or who are doing "big things" are calm, confident and have faith that is bigger than the rest of us. In a lot of ways that may give us an excuse. I could say "I'm not going to do X because other people are much better qualified". But, your honesty strips that away and shows us that the people who are doing the big things are just people - who didn't let the fact that they were ordinary people stop them.

I know you're struggling a lot right now with why God is letting all of this happen - and especially why He's not providing for the children's home the way that they need. I don't have an answer but I do believe that God has not forgotten you or the children there. He will carry everyone through until it is time for His plan to come to pass.

Big hugs to you and your family. Thank you for standing up for these children.

Karen said...

HollyAnn...we were distracted by my father-in-law's visit this week. But I will be starting my fast on Monday. I am not going to be doing the Daniel fast...but I will be fasting & eating only how God leads me. I'm having such a hard time even looking @ food since your email went out. Duane is thinking of going down to 1 meal a day too. Lindsay is convicted as well, the other two have compassion but are trying to ignore it all. Oh how God moves us in the road he puts us on! I'll stay in touch with you through this...and please you do the same! Together we will get through this, and even be closer to God in spite of all these trials.

Karen said...

HollyAnn...we were distracted by my father-in-law's visit this week. But I will be starting my fast on Monday. I am not going to be doing the Daniel fast...but I will be fasting & eating only how God leads me. I'm having such a hard time even looking @ food since your email went out. Duane is thinking of going down to 1 meal a day too. Lindsay is convicted as well, the other two have compassion but are trying to ignore it all. Oh how God moves us in the road he puts us on! I'll stay in touch with you through this...and please you do the same! Together we will get through this, and even be closer to God in spite of all these trials.