Friday, August 7, 2009

Same song 6th verse!

On my way! Trip 6 to Liberia! I am sitting in Brussels airport watching my daughter sleep wondering what the next few days will bring about in her life as God uses the people of Liberia to impress on Callie a world so much different than her own!

Probably will not have internet acces in Liberia much if at all. So no updates this trip like normal. But we are in our new when I get back, I will share lots of pictures...I imagine Kami has already put up a on the Orphanage Project button n the right to check and see! I have only seen a few, but what I have seen is amazing!!!!

Will send pics and updates when I can!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

I haven't posted any pics yet of the new home. The back to back trip to South Africa has delayed any pictures and video. I will post soon, but it will be after the 20th or so.