Thursday, February 28, 2013

When life seems to be tossed in the air..

I am going on my second night of 4 hours of sleep.  No sick kids! Thank you for health, God! Not really worried, just restless.  God has placed a few things in John and my heart.  In one of them, we kind of feel like Abraham...He has said GO! but we have no clue which direction to even GO! in, yet we know He wants us to take a step of faith before He reveals the entire plan.  But we don't feel like we even know how or where to step so we stand with our foot poised in the air ready to move but just not quite sure where to plant our foot! (and for those wondering, NO! this has nothing to do with my Number 8 post! Hee!Hee!)

I sat last night with our budget, my calendar and some work papers laid out on the dining room table and just stared at them!  A representation of three areas that need some major miracles from how I see it to work!  I tell John all the time that there is a reason moms of large families do not work!  It is a full time job, yet God has called me to this amazing ministry of Addy's Hope - and it is that, a ministry.  In the 7 years since we opened the doors of Addy's Hope, it has not been in a place to provide a financial salary that matches the work I do.   I would be fine with that, except the older the kids get, the more expensive they are and our finances are stretched to the max.  It's hard not to look around and think, "If I put in the same hours there that I do at Addy's Hope, I would make ______!" I know my rewards for Addy's Hope are eternal, and I really can't put a value on that, but my local grocery store won't take that to pay for the groceries my kiddos eat!

There are a couple of opportunities that are before us.  I have sought God.  I have asked for scripture to back my answer....about the time I settle in on which direction I think I need to go, something happens or someone says something that makes me think I missed it.  I am about to the point that I think God is saying, "you choose!  Here is what path A will mean and here is what path B will mean, and I am really ok with either path.  Just pick the one you want."  Maybe that is the problem, I want the end result of both paths, but that is impossible!

Ugh! You ever been there?  Despite how I feel this morning, I know some Truths! First, I have the mind of Christ!  Therefore, the paths are not a mystery.  It just means I have to get still before God, get in His Word and listen.  I know He is not a God of confusion.  He will bring peace when I have set my foot on the path of His will.  Circumstances mean nothing.  God is not a God of circumstance, He is a God of miracles!  He parts the waters if a sea is in the way.  He shuts the mouths of lions if obedience finds you in a lions' den. He even keeps not just the flames but the smell of smoke away from you if honoring Him lands you in a fiery furnace.  And in reality, my situations that I am perplexed in are simply a matter of which blessing do I want to enter into!  There is nothing bad happening. In fact, I have found joy unspeakable over the past few months!  I have a renewed skip in my step. I have found the secret of hiding under the shelter of the wings of God almighty!  And for that I am thankful!

So our life may be up in the air right now, but I know things will land soon.  I know God will be faithful to complete that which He started and I know that as long as we continue to seek God with an open, willing heart, the end will exceed anything we could possibly hope or imagine no matter which path we end up planting our foot and heading down!  Life with God is amazingly awesome!  If you don't know Him, you are missing out!  And if you know of Him but haven't encountered Him, take some time to be still with Him!  He wants to reveal more of Himself to you!  Go on a date with God! He is the greatest Love I have ever know!

Have a great Thursday!  Be blessed!

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