Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A little Funny...

Because it seems I am always so heavy on here, I decided ot share a little story about my morning with you!

I had five of the kids in the car early this morning because Callie needed to be to school a little early. That meant I needed to be at three campuses, one of which is twenty mintues away and drop everyone off between 7:20 and 8.  I sent everyone to the car, ran and jumped in and off we went!

I got Ava and Toben dropped off with out incident.  I even managed to get past the crazy crossing guard before she had traffic stopped every direction to wait for a child who was still half a block away and strolling at a pace allowing her to take in every blade of grass and crack in the sidewalk while traffic in all four directions waits and watches....but I digress!

I drive to Madion's pre-school which is at the other elementary in our subdivision.  It is about three miles away, but with school traffic patterns, it can be a bit of a nightmare getting her there on time!  But this morning we are plenty early!  I pull up to the drop off point.  Callie turns around to tell Madison goodbye but instead shock and horror come across her face as she yells, "Mom! Did you not know she is in her nightgown?!"  I die laughing and explain that this is Red Ribbon Week and today is pajama day, so of course I know she is in her nightgown!  What kind of mom would I be to put her in the car and not know she is in her pajamas?!  I get out and go around to the other side of Big Momma to get her out.  When I open the door I see the nightgown...and the bare feet! "Madison, where are your shoes?", I asked knowing that at one point this morning they were on her feet!  "In your room!", comes the sweet reply.  Well, I am not the kind of mom who would not notice her child in her pajamas as she loads the car, but evidently I am the mom that fails to notice she is taking a child to school without shoes!

So I calmly close the van door, tell the teacher waiting to take Madison inside that we will return just as soon as we get her shoes, and I get behind the wheel and drive off as the teacher's gaze follows with a very perplexed yet amused look about her.

So in case you have ever ended up at your destination with a barefoot child, you can now know, you are not alone!

Have a terrific Tuesday!

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