John and I were able to get out of town with out the children last week as he had a retreat he was running in of my favorite towns. It is also where my aunt and uncle live, so we went to their house and out to dinner one night with them. When we were at their house, she was showing me some pics on their refrigerator. I looked at the other side and saw pictures of my the girls (aka: my bio children), but no pictures of my boys. I was perplexed for a minute and then it hit me....they are the "not bio" children. I will give her the benefit of the doubt on Toben as she probably has not received a picture of him from me, but Noah...I am sure in the past six years, she has received a picture of him! It made me sad..was just a shot of reality that not everyone sees our family as we do. We don't see color or how they came to us, they are just our kids. Period. I got angry for a minute, then prayed that God would use my family to teach these a little more about His love for ALL people!
.......Or maybe I am just being too sensitive and seeing something that is really not there at all, but I just couldn't help but notice two of my children missing from the picture place!
Today I saw a lady with a wrist band (the ones that everybody wears) except this one was clear and it said "love sees no color". I couldn't help but to think of you. What a gift to be color blind! get it. I think that is exactly how my parents are going to be. You handled it well and pleasing to God...I hope I will too (if or when it happens).
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