Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Letters to my Baby

Dear Baby P,

In just a few hours, I will get my first glimpse of you. You will be just a beating heart in a sea of black. How fitting.

I did not plan you. Daddy did not plan you. But God planned you! Your days have already been ordained by God (Psalm 139:16). God sees you right now. He doesn't need the sonogram machine that I need to see you! He is knitting you together in my womb, forming you in the secret place - you are fearfully and wonderfully made! You are a gift from God! You are a reward! (Psalm 127:3)

As I sat and thought this evening about seeing your beating heart, I couldn't help but think of the significance of your heart. I will not be able to see your arms, your face - which when you are born is how I and those around us will recognize you - we will not be able to tell if you are a little boy or little girl. But we will see your heart. That, my Precious One is how God will always see you! The Lord will not look at your face even when it can be seen, he will always look at your heart (1 Sam 16:7). It's fitting that God would allow us to see the heart before we can see anything else of you! For from your heart flows the springs of life! My prayer already is that you will watch over your heart diligently (Psalm 4:23)! And until you are old enough to do that, I will watch over it for you...starting today! That little beat that I will see will remind me that I have a job to do as your mommy and it started the minute I knew you were growing in me.

The beat that I will see is where God will put the things He has for you so that you will chase after them (Ex 35:34). That beat represents the place where you will search for God and will find Him (Deut 5:29). It is where God will write the things He has for you each day as you commune with Him (Deut 6:5). It is from the heart that you will believe in Him and thus accept Him as your Lord (Romans 10:10). This little beat that I will see represents the treasure box where you, like Mary, will keep the things God reveals to you as you walk with him day by day (Luke 2:51). It is from this beating place that you will do the will of God (Eph 6:6).

God has a plan for you. It was because He needs you at this precise moment on the Kingdom calendar that you are being formed. It is why you being woven together even though Daddy and I had not even a thought of you. The plans and purposes God has for you have already been set my Precious Child. My prayer is that you will always be a man or woman after God's own heart. My prayer is that just as you will appear this afternoon - as a beating heart in a sea of darkness - you will appear always! A heart beating for God among the darkness of this world. When people look at you, they will see the light of Jesus shining through and know that they too need Him as their Savior!

Can't wait to meet you, Baby P! Until then, may God continue to form you and knit you together for His good purpose and will!

With all my love,

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