Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Princess M

Just an update on the adoption process of Princess M, the 15 year old we are adopting from the Texas CPS system. I have no talked to her social worker several times, her CASA worker as well as her counselor. Each time I talk to another person in her life, God brings more peace and more excitement! We are so excited about November 19 when we will get to meet her for the first time! All my anxiety is gone, and I just can't wait to give her a great big bear hug!

We have already gotten to know her through these ladies just a bit! Like one shared that she was nervous when she first heard we had picked a meeting date because she was so afraid that after we met her, we would not want her. If that doesn't break your heart, you don't have one! We have sent pictures of us so that she can get an idea of who we are...it's really hard to pick 6 or 8 pictures that show all family members and give a representation of who you are! I am sure I way over analyzed it (I have a habit of doing that, you know), but I sent a good variety that showed us, our home and hopefully a little of our quirky personality!

God has already started giving me tangible things to prepare for her. I bought a necklace that says, "I Chose You" stamped over and over on a heart with a disk with her name on it attached to the necklace. I wanted to give her something to leave with her and be a constant reminder that we are praying for her and waiting anxiously for her to come live with us permanently! God also said to go buy a suitcase. We will give it to her when we meet so she can pack her things in it to come visit us the week of Thanksgiving, then again when she moves for good! After she moves for good, we will have a suitcase demolition since she will no longer need a suitcase to move her belongings! Just a symbol that she is here to stay, no matter what! We believe in that fully! We know we are in uncharted watter for us and that there will be some really big waves at times, but we believe with all we are that when God places a child in our family, they are here to stay. PERIOD. Disruption is like Divorce...NOT. AN. OPTION. I want her to know that in every way possible so that she can just enjoy having a family!

The more I have heard about her, the more I rest in the fact that God hand-selected her for our family. Like I tell all my kids, I don't know why they weren't all born from my womb! I don't understand why God chooses adoption to place some kid in families and some he chooses birth. I know it has a whole lot to do with the fact that we live in a fallen world and nothing is as God intended when He created it! I also know that God's ways are not my ways and there is really no reason to try to figure out the "why"!

The 19th is coming fast! It will be here before we know it! But even so, it can't get here fast enough! I am ready to meat my daughter!!!


JanLeo said...

Hi HollyAnn! In unchartered waters or wherever You KNOW that God IS always there. I thank him that you are hearing more and more about Princess M and that things are settling in your heart and in your spirit! It is totally different when you have not raised a teen but Praise God NO child comes with instruction manuals and you know that he will guide each step of yours and Johns path in learning a new situation. I am so excited for you - cause I have been there and bought the most wonderful T-shirt that money can NEVER buy! Ha! Doesn't seem to make sense but I know what I mean and so does the Lord. Danny did not seem to fit in our family at first but he wanted a family so bad that after his initial shyness wore off - he made his self right at home Praise God!!
I encourage you and will be here for prayers, talks or whatever you seem to need throughout this journey if you will let me!!
Thank God and blessings to you, John, the rest of the family and especially to Princess M!!!

JanLeo said...

Hi HollyAnn! In unchartered waters or wherever You KNOW that God IS always there. I thank him that you are hearing more and more about Princess M and that things are settling in your heart and in your spirit! It is totally different when you have not raised a teen but Praise God NO child comes with instruction manuals and you know that he will guide each step of yours and Johns path in learning a new situation. I am so excited for you - cause I have been there and bought the most wonderful T-shirt that money can NEVER buy! Ha! Doesn't seem to make sense but I know what I mean and so does the Lord. Danny did not seem to fit in our family at first but he wanted a family so bad that after his initial shyness wore off - he made his self right at home Praise God!!
I encourage you and will be here for prayers, talks or whatever you seem to need throughout this journey if you will let me!!
Thank God and blessings to you, John, the rest of the family and especially to Princess M!!!

Jen said...

augh. my really long comment was just deleted. no time to try again. . .

please call me so we can chat. I have some really good thoughts and helpful ideas about adopting an older girl out of foster care (since we just did it!).

