Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Move: Some Random Thoughts

I have so many blog posts that I need to write! It's been a rough three weeks! But God has shown Himself.  So maybe I will have time to really write out my thoughts soon, but for now, here are some rather random thoughts, interesting items from our time here so far:

  1. When you start a faith journey, it is very exciting. Walking out the faith journey in the great big middle of the circumstances is hard.
  2. When the circumstances of your faith walk start to overwhelm you, you want to turn back (I've given myself the nick name Izzy because I sound much like the Israelites lately wanting to go back to Egypt!), but thankful there is a point of no return where you have to either keep walking toward the goal or check out of life altogether.
  3. Moving with 8 children is INSANE!
  4. God provides in miraculous ways when you trust the day we had $75 in the checking account, payday was still two weeks away and a bill for $150 was set to pay the next day with no resources to put any more in the checking account.  John goes to the mailbox and there is over $600 total from two checks, one we had been expecting, and one over $400 that we had not been...a refund on over payment of a medical bill.
  5. Trusting God is HARD when you are paying a mortgage and a lease!
  6. When God calls you as parents to something/somewhere, He calls your kids too which means he prepares them! We have not had ONE SINGLE complaint from any of the kids despite arriving at 1:00 am on the first day of school in a totally new place, adjusting to new schools and new church! My kids and my God ROCK!
  7. Trying to unpack boxes with 4 children ages 3 and under is INSANE!
  8. The Body of Christ is amazing.....the first week we were here, three families from a church whose pastor I had been e-mailing came and fed us pizza, helped us unpack, worshiped with us, prayed over our home and breathed life into what was becoming a very depressing situation for me!
  9. God knows when you are truly crying out in desperation, and He sends help!
  10. Four kids ages 3 and under means you are pretty well stuck at home until reinforcements arrive.
  11. It takes exactly 8.3 minutes to load 4 napping toddlers/infant in the car including three trips upstairs!
  12. The enemy doesn't like it when you are determined to walk into your promised land.
  13. I have some more maturing to do....I am still not very good at persevering through tough circumstances.
  14. Part time daycare may be available but it is OUTRAGEOUS!
  15. If you leave the house right as school lets out, you will cut your wait in the pick up line by at least 15 minutes and as long as you leave with in 5 minutes after school lets out, you will not be the last car in the pick up line. 
  16. I can get anywhere eventually as long as I can find a place for a U-turn - and that's not always easy in Big Momma!
  17. The "Around Me" app is sometimes as confused as I am (I've ended up in a field and a neighborhood when going to a business according to the app).
There's so much more....but that gives you a small look into our first three weeks here! Hopefully I can sit and really write soon!

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