Friday, October 30, 2009

The ironies....

It is 3:08 am...been awake since 2:25...there are a couple of ironies here.
1) I deleted a comment on my post yesterday because the commenter said of my recent post on attacks that self-reflection might be needed in order to discover why I was being attacked. I looked to see who the person was (as the heart behind a comment such as that is pretty important), but the person does not have a public profile. I may very well know the person, but when making such a bold statement to someone who is being transparent, I believe the least you should be willing to share is your identity. I am assuming this person probably didn't mean the comment in quite the negative light that I took it, but after the day I had, deleting it felt I did it! My blog, my prerogative, right? :) The irony is, if this person truly knew me, they would know that self-reflection is my middle name! I almost always (almost is the key word) look at myself first in a situation to see what I need to fix...almost to a fault! That doesn't mean I always fix it, sometimes I have to self reflect many times, but self reflection is a constant thing for me...hence the irony that I am awake at 3 o'clock...guess what I am got it! Self-reflecting on the day yesterday! :)

2) When overwhelmed with all that needs to be accomplished, I often make the statement, I'll squeeze that in between 2 and 5 in the morning...well, guess what..that's exactly what is occurring tonight!

I'm thinking a nap will be in order tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

Monica Verducci said...


I think people react to what you write. I don't think people have to know you personally in order to do that because they can read the text themselves.

Not sure what this person wrote so I can't say how I would have felt about it

Keep your head up!