Saturday, August 6, 2011

Introducing: Madison Kate Petree

Deuteronomy 10:18 He executes justice for the orphan....

I am pleased to introduce to you Madison Kate Petree, otherwise known in Blog land as "Baby Girl"! We finalized her adoption yesterday. We are now officially a family of nine! Wow! That's crazy! I loved how our attorney put it yesterday, "Today, are you simply doing by law what has already been done in your hearts?" Yes we are!

The Petrees: Paizley (holding Journey), Ava, Toben, Noah, me, John (holding Madison) and Callie. The look on the judge's face is priceless...especially considering his remarks when our attorney asked me how many adopted and how many birthed children we had. When it hit him what that total number was, he looked up from the papers and said, "Do we have a psychological evaluation in here?" That got a laugh from the whole court room!

This is my dear friend, Liz, with her daughter Brittany. They exemplify what a support group looks like to foster parents! She doesn't wait for me to ask, she just calls and says, "I'm bringing dinner over tonight" after reading my facebook post and knowing I had a stressful day. Or being one of the first people to get "papered" so that she could watch our foster babies when we needed to go to a doctor appointment, court or just a date! She has kept Madison numerous days just so I could have time to work on the things God has laid on my heart! She is truly a gift from the Lord as are so many others who He has sent to walk this journey with us! We are so greatful!

This is the Buckner gang who made it all happen! Missy, our CPS adoption worker is on the far right. She has been amazing also! We have been blessed with people in our corner who will work for children. I have had my frustrations through this process, but over all, we have been blessed with only a few minor road bumps! Hard to believe that this journey started just 18 months ago! What a difference a year and a half can make in a my life! Looking forward to what the next year and a half will bring!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Congrats! She's really beautiful, as is your whole family!
