Thursday, October 27, 2011

They Wait Wednesday

It's Wednesday again! Funny, but many Tuesdays are hard days in our family! I would be lying if I said that it didn't make me wonder about putting up kids that need to be adopted on Wednesday! Adopting children from the state system is not for cowards...and you should only do it if you are interested in parenting a child...not in rescuing a child and not in doing a good deed! It. Is. Hard.

However, I know for us, God said do it. So we were left with a choice. Do we walk in obedience or disobedience. Period. Has the journey been easy? Nope! Would I do it again? Yes! I have two amazing children who came to me from the state system. And even on the "bad" days, God uses them to teach me so much about being His daughter! He uses them to make me more compassionate and merciful. He uses them to stretch me beyond myself which means I grow in Him because without Him, I. Could. Not. Do. This!

I kind of laugh with some of my fellow adoptive parents that the introductions to waiting children should read something like: Do you want to be totally undone? Do you want to have your life turned totally upside down? Then bring these children home!

You won't see introductions like that because that doesn't exactly give you warm fuzzies and make you want to ask where to sign up, does it? But maybe it should! God says who ever loses his life for Him will find it! He says to take up your cross daily and folllow Him. God says to visit the orphan and widow in their distress (not just throw money at them). If God is laying it on your heart to love one or more of His children, would you consider these precious girls?

Nyah and Ayanna are 8 and 9 years old. They love to be active. You can read more about them on their TARE page here. And as always, even if you are not called to adopt, will you print out their pictures or put their names on a sticky note somewhere that you will see it and commit to pray for them for the next week? God has a family out there for them! Let's pray them together!

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