Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Well Behaved Women....Callie's not one of them!

Just to update you on the hair bow battle, Callie met with her principal yesterday. At the beginning of the meeting, the principal asked Callie if she was nervous talking to her, and Callie smiled and said, "Nope!" That's my girl!!!!! Seems to be a bit of attempt to intimidate going on....glad it didn't work on her anymore than it did no me!

The petition she started has been approved. The principal put all kinds of stipulations on how and when it can be signed and made Callie initial signature pages, etc. Kind of silly, but we will play by her rules. I am just so proud of Callie for standing up and continuing even when it got hard and could have been intimidating! The petition will be in two locations at three different times during the school day. I am praying and asking my friends to pray that this experience is a good one for Callie and accomplishes all God intends for it to do in her life. And as a momma bear whose watched her cub be attacked, I'm praying for hundreds of signatures for Callie to have when she sits with the principal next week to discuss the petition!

I'll keep you posted! Could not be more proud of my daughter! Makes me wonder what plans God has for her and makes me excited to see just what those will be!

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