Thursday, June 20, 2013

Abraham: Faith Walking

"By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going." Hebrews 11:8

I wish I knew a little more about this obedience.  How did Abraham decide to go North or South?  Did God verbally speak with each step?  Was Abraham just led by peace as he walked?  Did Abraham start out on Monday thinking that by Tuesday God would have revealed a bit more about the journey? When God didn't show him the way immediately, did Abraham sit down and cry out of the frustration of having a fully surrendered heart willing to follow God no matter what, but not exactly sure what God wanted? Did Abraham ever take a wrong step believing it was where God said walk only to discover that wasn't it?  Was he ever disappointed along the journey?

I don't know all those details.  I wish I did as it would make a journey I am on right now a little easier, perhaps.  What I do know is that Abraham went when he didn't know his destination.  I don' t know how he knew where to head without knowing a destination, but God must have given him just enough information for the steps he needed to take right then.  He must have because what I do know is that Abraham got there! Despite the fact that he didn't know where he was headed, he got there!  And not only did he get there, but he is forever written in the history of God's story as a great man of faith that we are to imitate in our quest to be like Christ.

And if Abraham, who didn't have the Holy Spirit, the ever present Presence of God with him that I have, can walk in obedience on a journey without knowing the destination and arrive where God intended, so can I!

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