Monday, January 29, 2007

Let's bring Liberia to Texas!

Which one of these children is yours?
Ok, if you didn't get to watch Oprah today, then ask me for the tape! It is my life story told by another woman! Crazy to hear your own thoughts coming from a woman that you have never met and know that God has placed the same burden in her heart as he has mine!

Sooooo got me to thinking....what kind of impact would a church the size of Stonegate have on a country like Liberia if God called each family to bring home just one of His children from there.....well, last year (2006) there were 353 immigrant visas issued to children being adopted from Liberia in the US. Stonegate has way more than 1000 families. We could easily triple, if not quadruple that number! We could literally turn a country around! What if all those children returned to Liberia when they are adults with the training and skills they learn here? They could farm the land, set up road systems, drill water wells, open medical clinics, plant churches.....the list is endless. There could be a true revolution in Liberia! Watch out families of Stonegate....I have a specific prayer now!

God, open the eyes of the families of Stonegate to the needs of the children of Liberia. For those families that you are calling to bring one of these children home, may they step out in faith. May they know the joy and hope of your calling to adopt and may they walk in it. Put those of us who have a heart for adoption in the path of those who need to hear our stories to spark that fire in them. When the fire is sparked show us how to fan it into a flame. I pray that the children of Liberia will be brought to Midland, Texas to be trained as your warriors to return one day to Liberia and other parts of Africa to set that continent free from the evil oppression it is under! Thank you for allowing me to be just a spec in your plan!

1 comment:

Emily said...

This would be world changing from such a small place in Texas! Lets do it!!