Monday, January 8, 2007

Parting the waters......

As I was spending time with God this morning, I was reading in Joshua. I truly believe that 2007 will be the year that I cross over, out of the wilderness and into the promised land in many areas of my life. But I also know that 'crossing over' will not come with out battles, perseverance, and sacrifice on my part. I was struck by something I read about the Isrealites this morning. I had never picked up on the fact that when the priests walked into the Jordan, they stayed on the dry land while the rest of the Isrealites walked through. The dry land (the place to cross the raging waters) was in the prescence of God almighty! This just reminded me in a very real and visual way that I must be in God's prescence in order to overcome the battles in my life! I have a name that is all powerful that I simply have to call on and He will come to my aid and rescue! Yet, so many times I just jump into the raging water on my own strength instead of calling on Him, and waiting for the waters to part! So today, I am going to approach each battle that comes my way by stopping, calling on His name, and watching the waters part!

God, thank you for your word that encourages and refreshes! It truly is water to my soul!

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