Saturday, January 20, 2007

Sleepover Swap!

Well, I have officially cut my first apron strings with my daughter! (My oldest daugther that is!) She had her first sleepover last night. Her friend Addy came and spent the night...well evening! About 11:30, she said she missed her mom. We had planned for just such an event, so I called her mom and told her I was bringing her home.

When we got there, she asked if Callie could stay with her. So, with very little thought, I agreed. Callie was in her pj's with no shoes or a coat in 32 degree weather! So I went to the car and gave her a piggy back ride to the door. She was so excited! I got back in my car and had a panick attack! What had I just done?! With very little thought, I had just left my most prized possesion in the custody of someone who is not family (wonderful people, but still not related)! Snip, snip! There went that string! I know it is time, but man, its' hard.

I hear God saying, now is as good a time as any to learn to trust Me with her! Yes, God! And she is having a marvelous time I am sure!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Isn't that that sad!!! I remember Alex's first sleepover I couldn't fall asleep thinking she isn't under my roof!!