Monday, March 23, 2009

Keep praying!

The container is still in port! The whole team will be there as of tonight and two will leave on Wednesday. Some have been there for more than a week who hoped to see the outside of the building up and all they have seen accomplished is the fence going up. I know these were 'man's' plans, but it is often frustrating and discouraging when we step out in faith to do something for God and don't get to see it accomplished as we thought. Pray for these people. Pray that they don't question all of this to the point that it is a hinderance for their walk! We are so thankful for their sacrifice and encourgement to us at Addy's Hope!

Pray that the container gets out today! It will cost close to $7,000 thanks to Mr. Geebro. But that is money he is robbing from God and His orphans, not us, so God will deal swiftly with him according to Proverbs 23: 10-11. God had already blessed the project with an unexpected gift right before the first people on the team left. We, the people, thought it was for a wonderful kitchen and bathroom. But God knew that we would face this challenge! So now I believe He was providing for our needs before we knew we had them. We will still have a kitchen and bathrooms, they just won't be as "souped up"! But they will still be as good if not better than where they are now. God is so faithful! I know He has to get tired of me not seeing it!

So please continue to pray! Pray that the team does not get discouraged. The roller coaster of working with a government that tries to block aid to its most needy citizens is something that can't be discribed...only experienced. But it makes you weary quickly!


Karen said...

We're praying, constantly! Thanks so much for the update. I have to say that I like how you asked for prayers for those over that they won't question until it is a hinderance on their walk. I will now, & have realized that is what I have been doing latly. Yesterday I had peace, and have accepted all these "things", because these things are just that to God. The details He has orchestrated...for the big picture, which I know I just don't see yet.
I have to share with you a quote from my Beth Moore study yesterday...this just hit the spot!
"Some of us with little previous battle experience have no idea why God is allowing us to go through such difficult times in a place we thought was His will. He's trying to make warriors out of us, Girlfriend! Rise to the occasion! But we aren't meant to fight unseen forces alone. You and I have the God-given right to lock arms with our sisters and brothers in Christ and defend ourselves with the sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith. Her'es the best part: When we do, we are guaranteed the victory. I said graranteed." "If you fully obey the Lord your God...the Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven" Deut 28:1a, 7

HollyAnn said...

Wow, Karen! That is awesome and so timly~ She is right, but man it is hard to see sometimes!