Sunday, June 14, 2009


I posted here about two needs in Liberia. The first was Matthew, little boy in desperate need of medical attention. I am happy to report that because of your prayers and generosity, Matthew's medical costs are met for now. He is currently too weak to travel, so please pray that he will be strengthened for the trip in order to have the surgery. Also, pray for wisdom for all of us working and making decisions right now on Matthew's behalf.

The news on the other need is not so good. I have $140 toward the chain saw. That is a great start! However, we received word last week that one of the little boys living in the home with out a roof died. He was 2 and a half years old. His name is Swen. He died from what they called a "cold illness". My heart is broken! No matter how many we help, there will always be some who die! Can you help us cover the other children before more fall to Swen's fate? If you can help us, go to for donatioan information.

Thank you for your support and your prayers!

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