Hi, my names is HollyAnn, and I am a visionary! So what that really means in my world is that I can dream great big huge dreams, but I have a really difficult time getting from here to there! If you need faith to believe something can happen, then I am your girl! If you need an action plan to get there, well, you're out of luck here.
I LOVE the new year. I love that it is a clean slate, a fresh beginning, a new start to dream big dreams. But in reality, those dreams usually fall flat sometime around January 2. Maybe not quite that soon, but you know what I mean.
We have been in a season of trauma and survival for about the past 5 years. We didn't know that was what we were in while we were in it, but looking back we see that clearly. So the last few months have been spent in lots of introspection. There is need for change in a lot of areas. That makes me even more excited about the new year approaching. But I want it to be different this time. I want the dreams to become reality and not just a pipe dream. So I am doing something different.
While I dream big, I often don't ever even get those dreams narrowed down to a vision (God has brought to mind Proverbs 29:18 many times lately ~ Where there is no vision, the people parish KJV), and rarely if ever get that vision narrowed down to tangible goals, and action steps - well - they just don't usually exist in my life. And that is why most of my new year starts ends rather quickly. But this year I am trying a new thing. If you are like me and have a really hard time taking your great dreams down to action steps, can I recommend a couple of blog posts from heart.love.always that have really rocked my world! I am loving the practical advise she gives and have clear action steps for my 2016 dreams and goals! Feel free to comment with some of your goals and action steps! My first one is losing 80 pounds this year...and there is the public accountability for that goal! Ready to make 2016 the best year ever!!!
Here are the links to her blog posts!
Smart Approach to Goal Setting
The Top 3 Approach to Goal Planning
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
He Just Wants Your Yes
God keeps taking back to the first few chapters in Matthew during my time with Him in the mornings. I was reading in chapter 3 this week after a few weeks of really hard life that has left me feeling like a failure at pretty much everything God has asked me to do....at the top of that list would be parenting 9 children! I thought about all the comments I have received, and I know others who adopt have also, about people who say, "I've thought about it, but...." And this principle can be added to any calling God has on your life or tug He puts on your heart for any area of service or action He is calling you to. So many times we don't do _________ (you fill in the blank) because we are afraid we will fail! As I was reading in Matthew 3, I came to verses 16 & 17 that say, "At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.'"
Now I know that verse having grown up in church! But I could have sworn that verse happened at the cross when Jesus had just given up everything, been beaten and died for us! But do you know where that verse is in his life? It's at his YES! It is when John the Baptist baptizes Jesus that God says he is well pleased! It's when Jesus answered the call on his life and stepped into obedience! It was BEFORE any miracle he would perform. It was BEFORE any people he would speak to that shook social norms. Can I tell you how much that encourages me?! So many times over the last few months I have thought for sure God over estimated my abilities as I have juggled all that I know he has called me to. I have felt like a failure in most of those areas time and time again even becoming angry with God for asking me to carry this load that was obviously too much for me to carry. (Let me insert here that I know that last statement is theologically inaccurate and a lie from the pit of hell! But it was how I "felt". Feelings are so fickle!) But when I read this verse, I was so excited that God was pleased with me just because I said YES when he called! When he said to start an agency almost 11 years ago, I said yes even though I was scared and had no idea what I was doing. He was pleased with my yes every time I missed the mark in that calling because I was learning by the school of hard knocks! He was pleased with my YES when he asked us to birth and adopt each child that we now call ours even though there have been many days I did not represent Him well to those children. He is pleased with us when we simply yield ourselves to His will....it's not our big actions and miracles that get this response, it is our obedience and yielded spirit to Him and what He is calling us to!
So if you are like me and have felt like you missed the mark, know that God is so pleased with your yes! And if you are thinking about a call that God has placed on your life, but you are just not sure you have what it takes, go ahead and say YES! God isn't asking you to have all the answers! He is only asking you to have one answer....YES!
Now I know that verse having grown up in church! But I could have sworn that verse happened at the cross when Jesus had just given up everything, been beaten and died for us! But do you know where that verse is in his life? It's at his YES! It is when John the Baptist baptizes Jesus that God says he is well pleased! It's when Jesus answered the call on his life and stepped into obedience! It was BEFORE any miracle he would perform. It was BEFORE any people he would speak to that shook social norms. Can I tell you how much that encourages me?! So many times over the last few months I have thought for sure God over estimated my abilities as I have juggled all that I know he has called me to. I have felt like a failure in most of those areas time and time again even becoming angry with God for asking me to carry this load that was obviously too much for me to carry. (Let me insert here that I know that last statement is theologically inaccurate and a lie from the pit of hell! But it was how I "felt". Feelings are so fickle!) But when I read this verse, I was so excited that God was pleased with me just because I said YES when he called! When he said to start an agency almost 11 years ago, I said yes even though I was scared and had no idea what I was doing. He was pleased with my yes every time I missed the mark in that calling because I was learning by the school of hard knocks! He was pleased with my YES when he asked us to birth and adopt each child that we now call ours even though there have been many days I did not represent Him well to those children. He is pleased with us when we simply yield ourselves to His will....it's not our big actions and miracles that get this response, it is our obedience and yielded spirit to Him and what He is calling us to!
So if you are like me and have felt like you missed the mark, know that God is so pleased with your yes! And if you are thinking about a call that God has placed on your life, but you are just not sure you have what it takes, go ahead and say YES! God isn't asking you to have all the answers! He is only asking you to have one answer....YES!
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Did Mary wonder?
In my quite time this morning with the Lord, I found myself in Luke 2. Kind of took me off guard...I mean we just read this chapter around Christmas, right?! But after verse 1, God was already downloading encouragement for some current situations I find myself in.
As I kept reading, I got to the part about no room in the inn. Mary, the mother of Jesus for goodness sake, had to sleep in a stable! In keeping it real, can I just say if I was Mary, as the last Inn Keeper in Bethlehem revealed that he too was full and had no rooms for them, I would have more than likely stomped my foot and pointed my finger skyward at God and asked, "Really?! I am having YOUR Son, I have given up everything to do as You asked, and You can't even give me a room to sleep in? Do You not realize I am in labor and will most likely give birth to the Son of God in a stable?! Are You seriously not even going to give me a bed or a room to carry out what You have asked?!" I wish we knew if Mary had moments like that or not....but since we know Mary was a human (a very pregnant human I might add), I am assuming there were moments where she wondered.
As I read that and thought about some of my questions to God regarding some of my current circumstances, it brought me comfort to know that if Mary could birth the Son of God in a building meant to house animals, then I can push through some of the circumstances surrounding the things God has called me to do. It brings a little more perspective to the areas of my life that just seem crazy. The areas where I am left wondering, "If God asked me to do this, why does it look like this?!" Mary's story gives me assurance that even when I find myself in a stable, I am in the center of God's will and call! Difficult circumstances are not an indicator of being on the wrong path, and neither are ideal circumstances an indicator of being on the right path. In fact, I can testify that some of the most challenging of circumstances came when I was right in the middle of what I knew for a fact to be God's will!
So if you have been wondering why life looks like it does if God asked you to do this thing, can I encourage you this morning that if God can allow the woman He chose to birth His Son to do so in a stable, then maybe, just maybe He can ask you to do what you have been called to do in less than perfect conditions as well!
As I kept reading, I got to the part about no room in the inn. Mary, the mother of Jesus for goodness sake, had to sleep in a stable! In keeping it real, can I just say if I was Mary, as the last Inn Keeper in Bethlehem revealed that he too was full and had no rooms for them, I would have more than likely stomped my foot and pointed my finger skyward at God and asked, "Really?! I am having YOUR Son, I have given up everything to do as You asked, and You can't even give me a room to sleep in? Do You not realize I am in labor and will most likely give birth to the Son of God in a stable?! Are You seriously not even going to give me a bed or a room to carry out what You have asked?!" I wish we knew if Mary had moments like that or not....but since we know Mary was a human (a very pregnant human I might add), I am assuming there were moments where she wondered.
As I read that and thought about some of my questions to God regarding some of my current circumstances, it brought me comfort to know that if Mary could birth the Son of God in a building meant to house animals, then I can push through some of the circumstances surrounding the things God has called me to do. It brings a little more perspective to the areas of my life that just seem crazy. The areas where I am left wondering, "If God asked me to do this, why does it look like this?!" Mary's story gives me assurance that even when I find myself in a stable, I am in the center of God's will and call! Difficult circumstances are not an indicator of being on the wrong path, and neither are ideal circumstances an indicator of being on the right path. In fact, I can testify that some of the most challenging of circumstances came when I was right in the middle of what I knew for a fact to be God's will!
So if you have been wondering why life looks like it does if God asked you to do this thing, can I encourage you this morning that if God can allow the woman He chose to birth His Son to do so in a stable, then maybe, just maybe He can ask you to do what you have been called to do in less than perfect conditions as well!
Monday, August 10, 2015
I Am Signficant
Any of you struggle with insignificance? Can I just tell you that is the number one weapon the enemy has used against me in just about every area of my life for my entire life! I had amazing parents, I was (and still am, by the way!) Daddy's little girl! By all accounts, I should not struggle with insignificance! Can I tell you something else? The enemy is out to steal, kill and destroy us! He doesn't care what our past is, he only cares what will keep us out of the destiny God is calling us into!
Insignificance has plagued me as a teen who never thought she was good enough for the "in" crowd, to a young adult who was sure no man would ever want what she had to offer because she wasn't what men wanted in a wife. And now as even a women sure and confident of her calling in life with the blessing of a job in that calling, I have been crippled by insignificance! God has given me dreams and visions for what Addy's Hope can be. But immediately the enemy comes in with the thoughts, "you are the small agency! You can't do that!" "You don't have the right degree, the right experience, the right __________ to do that! Just go back to your little corner and take your place among the insignificant people!" And so I would go, head down, tail between my legs, back to my corner all the time telling God why it is I am not enough or don't have enough to do what He has clearly said I should do.
Well, a couple of weeks ago something in me clicked. I am really not sure what it was. I don't really even know the exact moment it happened, but at some point the woman inside of me that knows who God made her to be stepped up to the microphone and told those other voices to Shut. Up.
In the last couple of weeks, I have taken steps toward the dreams and visions God has given me for the agency. I have taken them scared in many cases! But I have taken them! When I have heard God say, "go here" I have started walking. He hasn't shown me the destination in most of these circumstances, but I have taken some steps, and I trust that He will show me the next step once this step has come to the end.
Can I tell you something else? I. Like.This. Woman! I think I want her to stick around awhile! She tells those voices that say she can't to bow to The Voice that says He made me to do it! Not only CAN I do it, but I WILL do it! When fear starts to creep in she says, "You are welcome to come along for the ride, but you Will. Not. stop me!" When I have taken a step and almost immediately been hit by a circumstance that threatens to knock me off that step into the abyss of doubt and confusion, God has been so faithful to whisper, "But what do I say? You operate in My kingdom!" And I find myself still walking...looking back at that corner I used to return to and realizing the walls have moved and that corner is getting further, and further, and further behind me!
I think there are so many women out there listening to the voices that are sending them back to the corner! I believe God is doing a work in His daughters! He is calling us out of the corners and into the destiny He has called us to! We live in a world full of hopeless circumstance, and inside of us, His precious daughters, are the answers to these problems and crisis! It's time we start believing the Truth He speaks about us over the lies we so easily believe! We are clothed with strength and dignity (Proverbs 31:25)! We laugh without fear of the future! What do you say? Will you look for that woman in you that God made you to be? I think if you will stop the lies long enough to get to know her, you will really like her.....and she will stick around leading you into a strength, joy and peace you have never known! If I can steal a line from a movie that dates me and may not show the best moral compass...It's time we get out of our corners, cause no one puts (insert your name) in a corner! Let's dance this final number with our God who wants to show up and show out with his daughters!! Whose with me?!
Insignificance has plagued me as a teen who never thought she was good enough for the "in" crowd, to a young adult who was sure no man would ever want what she had to offer because she wasn't what men wanted in a wife. And now as even a women sure and confident of her calling in life with the blessing of a job in that calling, I have been crippled by insignificance! God has given me dreams and visions for what Addy's Hope can be. But immediately the enemy comes in with the thoughts, "you are the small agency! You can't do that!" "You don't have the right degree, the right experience, the right __________ to do that! Just go back to your little corner and take your place among the insignificant people!" And so I would go, head down, tail between my legs, back to my corner all the time telling God why it is I am not enough or don't have enough to do what He has clearly said I should do.
Well, a couple of weeks ago something in me clicked. I am really not sure what it was. I don't really even know the exact moment it happened, but at some point the woman inside of me that knows who God made her to be stepped up to the microphone and told those other voices to Shut. Up.
In the last couple of weeks, I have taken steps toward the dreams and visions God has given me for the agency. I have taken them scared in many cases! But I have taken them! When I have heard God say, "go here" I have started walking. He hasn't shown me the destination in most of these circumstances, but I have taken some steps, and I trust that He will show me the next step once this step has come to the end.
Can I tell you something else? I. Like.This. Woman! I think I want her to stick around awhile! She tells those voices that say she can't to bow to The Voice that says He made me to do it! Not only CAN I do it, but I WILL do it! When fear starts to creep in she says, "You are welcome to come along for the ride, but you Will. Not. stop me!" When I have taken a step and almost immediately been hit by a circumstance that threatens to knock me off that step into the abyss of doubt and confusion, God has been so faithful to whisper, "But what do I say? You operate in My kingdom!" And I find myself still walking...looking back at that corner I used to return to and realizing the walls have moved and that corner is getting further, and further, and further behind me!
I think there are so many women out there listening to the voices that are sending them back to the corner! I believe God is doing a work in His daughters! He is calling us out of the corners and into the destiny He has called us to! We live in a world full of hopeless circumstance, and inside of us, His precious daughters, are the answers to these problems and crisis! It's time we start believing the Truth He speaks about us over the lies we so easily believe! We are clothed with strength and dignity (Proverbs 31:25)! We laugh without fear of the future! What do you say? Will you look for that woman in you that God made you to be? I think if you will stop the lies long enough to get to know her, you will really like her.....and she will stick around leading you into a strength, joy and peace you have never known! If I can steal a line from a movie that dates me and may not show the best moral compass...It's time we get out of our corners, cause no one puts (insert your name) in a corner! Let's dance this final number with our God who wants to show up and show out with his daughters!! Whose with me?!
Sunday, August 9, 2015
She has a home...
This morning I am preparing paperwork for my first teen placement. And of course, the teen is a girl! I have had several people ask me if it has been hard to place a teenage girl in a home given our experience. As always, let me be real...I thought it would be. I worried about how I would walk a family through the process with my reality in the back of my mind. Could I really ask a family to potentially walk the path that we did almost five years ago? But honestly, it has been exciting, and even therapeutic on some levels. And on other levels, it has been tough!
First, let me say that placing a teenager in an adoptive home will never get old! This young lady is less than two years from entering the world without a family (what we call "aging out"). There is an estimated 20,000 (no, I didn't add too many 0's) youth who age out of foster care every year in our country. If you look at statistics, you know that means 20,000 who are very likely to be homeless, in jail, have children who grow up in the system or all three! So knowing that God has given a family to one of those 20,000 and not allowed her to become a statistic! Praise Him! Truly, this is what I am called to do!
So if this is my calling, why didn't God let my experience look more like a Hallmark movie and less like it was? It would be so much easier to talk to families sharing how amazing it had been to adopt a teenager and provide an opportunity for a life she would not have otherwise had. Somehow, I think more families would want to do it if I could share that story. But my adoptive families got the real story. They hear the hard truth of what bringing broken children into your home can do. So why would I ask them to do that? Because God tells us to!
I have families ask me all the time if I would do it again. My answer is yes..for many reasons! Mostly because just like this young lady who is being placed tomorrow, she has a home! My daughter will always have a family. She is not an orphan. And the most obvious reasons, my grand babies who are now my babies. Had we not adopted our daughter we would not have been in a place legally to do what we did to provide safety for them at that time.
So as I get the paperwork ready to take to the placement of a 16 year old who will no longer be an orphan, I am more excited than I would ever have thought possible! Of course the fact that by everyone's account who has worked with her she is an amazing young lady and this family is a super family helps ease any fears or apprehensions I might have! And I am excited for another teen story that I believe will have a happy ending. And the moments of sadness that I have experienced during this placement as I watch another mother and daughter and hope for them what could have been (and hope will still be some day) for me and my daughter, I have replaced with gratefulness that I have the awesome privilege of walking this family through the days and weeks and months ahead! I am truly a blessed woman to have this job and call in my life!
If God brings them to mind, please pray for this young lady and family. There will be transition as with any placement. And there will be hard days ahead as they all learn to live and love together as well as grieve what was lost in the past. Its just part of this crazy journey we call adoption! But oh what an amazing journey it is!
First, let me say that placing a teenager in an adoptive home will never get old! This young lady is less than two years from entering the world without a family (what we call "aging out"). There is an estimated 20,000 (no, I didn't add too many 0's) youth who age out of foster care every year in our country. If you look at statistics, you know that means 20,000 who are very likely to be homeless, in jail, have children who grow up in the system or all three! So knowing that God has given a family to one of those 20,000 and not allowed her to become a statistic! Praise Him! Truly, this is what I am called to do!
So if this is my calling, why didn't God let my experience look more like a Hallmark movie and less like it was? It would be so much easier to talk to families sharing how amazing it had been to adopt a teenager and provide an opportunity for a life she would not have otherwise had. Somehow, I think more families would want to do it if I could share that story. But my adoptive families got the real story. They hear the hard truth of what bringing broken children into your home can do. So why would I ask them to do that? Because God tells us to!
I have families ask me all the time if I would do it again. My answer is yes..for many reasons! Mostly because just like this young lady who is being placed tomorrow, she has a home! My daughter will always have a family. She is not an orphan. And the most obvious reasons, my grand babies who are now my babies. Had we not adopted our daughter we would not have been in a place legally to do what we did to provide safety for them at that time.
So as I get the paperwork ready to take to the placement of a 16 year old who will no longer be an orphan, I am more excited than I would ever have thought possible! Of course the fact that by everyone's account who has worked with her she is an amazing young lady and this family is a super family helps ease any fears or apprehensions I might have! And I am excited for another teen story that I believe will have a happy ending. And the moments of sadness that I have experienced during this placement as I watch another mother and daughter and hope for them what could have been (and hope will still be some day) for me and my daughter, I have replaced with gratefulness that I have the awesome privilege of walking this family through the days and weeks and months ahead! I am truly a blessed woman to have this job and call in my life!
If God brings them to mind, please pray for this young lady and family. There will be transition as with any placement. And there will be hard days ahead as they all learn to live and love together as well as grieve what was lost in the past. Its just part of this crazy journey we call adoption! But oh what an amazing journey it is!
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Walking Through the Crashing Waves
We just returned home from a week at the beach! It was a much needed vacation....although I have discovered with 10 children, four of whom are 5 and under, even a vacation is not really a vacation for the parents. But all the same, it was a wonderful break from the every day demands of work and home! It was good to focus on family, and to have time to just sit and listen to the waves....and to the still, small voice of my Savior!
School doesn't start for another three weeks, but our "fall" is gearing up already this week! Callie starts band camp for color guard, Toben and Ava have some prep classes for the coming year that finish this week, Toben starts football next weekend, Noah starts in two weeks, and school supply shopping has already begun! And the agency is busier than it has ever been with tons of work demands waiting for me first thing Monday morning.
It's all very exciting stuff! But honestly, it is all very overwhelming for a girl who just wanted to be a stay at home mom of not quite this many children! Don't get me wrong, I love every single one of my children and am so grateful for them, as I am my job! But all together, all of it is....well....a lot! Add to that the things God has placed on my heart for the agency, and the waves just seem to be crashing over my head! So how exactly am I going to do it all? I know God has called me to be a mom to all of these 9 children, and I know He has called me to this work in adoption. But I don't always know how I am going to walk through the waters that both of those callings place me in at times. When the demands hit, it feels like the waves are knocking me down and pushing me under....but God knew I would feel this way as I geared up for the coming days, weeks and months! And as He is so faithful to do, He spoke to me about it before I even knew I needed to hear it!
One of Ava's struggles with her disorder (no, we still do not know what it is! But should have more testing soon that will hopefully give more definitive answers!) is that she has very weak muscle tone. She also has very little core strength making balance a real challenge. So when she would want to go out in the waves with us to ride her boogie-board, it was a real struggle to get out far enough for the waves to be big enough to carry her. On one of the trips out with her, I told her to get behind me and hold onto my waist. My body would break the wave for her taking less of a toll on her body, and her hanging onto me would help her balance in the unsteady waters. As I crashed into the waves with her behind me, I heard God say, "this is how you will do it too! I know I am asking you to go into deep waters that feel like they are knocking you over as the waves crash around you, but if you will follow me - don't get ahead or too far behind, but follow me just as I instruct- I will break the waves for you and make a path for you to walk steadily just as you are for Ava."
Can I tell you how comforting that is?! As I face Monday morning, there are so many heavy burdens that threaten to overcome me from personal, to family, to ministry! But as I think back on that moment, I feel the same excitement Ava did about riding the boogie-board even though it meant getting through the crashing waves first! Those words have given me a renewed desire to press in even closer to my Abba Father and walk where His feet walk as I try to walk in obedience to what He has called me to!
So whatever God is calling you to do, can I encourage you? Just step out and do it! He will either calm the waters all together or break the waves for you as you walk with Him! I love my Jesus! Life with Him is always an adventure!
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me. ~ Psalm 138:7
School doesn't start for another three weeks, but our "fall" is gearing up already this week! Callie starts band camp for color guard, Toben and Ava have some prep classes for the coming year that finish this week, Toben starts football next weekend, Noah starts in two weeks, and school supply shopping has already begun! And the agency is busier than it has ever been with tons of work demands waiting for me first thing Monday morning.
It's all very exciting stuff! But honestly, it is all very overwhelming for a girl who just wanted to be a stay at home mom of not quite this many children! Don't get me wrong, I love every single one of my children and am so grateful for them, as I am my job! But all together, all of it is....well....a lot! Add to that the things God has placed on my heart for the agency, and the waves just seem to be crashing over my head! So how exactly am I going to do it all? I know God has called me to be a mom to all of these 9 children, and I know He has called me to this work in adoption. But I don't always know how I am going to walk through the waters that both of those callings place me in at times. When the demands hit, it feels like the waves are knocking me down and pushing me under....but God knew I would feel this way as I geared up for the coming days, weeks and months! And as He is so faithful to do, He spoke to me about it before I even knew I needed to hear it!
One of Ava's struggles with her disorder (no, we still do not know what it is! But should have more testing soon that will hopefully give more definitive answers!) is that she has very weak muscle tone. She also has very little core strength making balance a real challenge. So when she would want to go out in the waves with us to ride her boogie-board, it was a real struggle to get out far enough for the waves to be big enough to carry her. On one of the trips out with her, I told her to get behind me and hold onto my waist. My body would break the wave for her taking less of a toll on her body, and her hanging onto me would help her balance in the unsteady waters. As I crashed into the waves with her behind me, I heard God say, "this is how you will do it too! I know I am asking you to go into deep waters that feel like they are knocking you over as the waves crash around you, but if you will follow me - don't get ahead or too far behind, but follow me just as I instruct- I will break the waves for you and make a path for you to walk steadily just as you are for Ava."
Can I tell you how comforting that is?! As I face Monday morning, there are so many heavy burdens that threaten to overcome me from personal, to family, to ministry! But as I think back on that moment, I feel the same excitement Ava did about riding the boogie-board even though it meant getting through the crashing waves first! Those words have given me a renewed desire to press in even closer to my Abba Father and walk where His feet walk as I try to walk in obedience to what He has called me to!
So whatever God is calling you to do, can I encourage you? Just step out and do it! He will either calm the waters all together or break the waves for you as you walk with Him! I love my Jesus! Life with Him is always an adventure!
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me. ~ Psalm 138:7
Monday, July 20, 2015
Dear Church, Families Need You
After 14 years of knowing I had a call on my life for adoption, my calling and my church are finally meeting! Crazy, but true! I am super excited to be teaming with other adoptive families in my church to provide support for families in all stages of fostering and adoption!
But as we talk to families, I am aware more and more of the need for the Church (with a Big "C") to educate herself! The stories of families are just heart breaking. John and I experienced first hand the inability of the Church to deal with the mess that often comes with loving the least of these that He calls us to bring into our home. When our teenage daughter who had lived with us less than a year became pregnant, the immediate reaction of the church was to kick her out of the youth group. Church had been my resting place in a time when my home was a battle ground. And now, my church was a battle ground as well as I fought to have my daughter stay where she would be spiritually fed and not experience the feeling of being an outcast yet again in her life. Another family shared a story of their small group not wanting them to bring their kids back because they told each other to "shut up", and they didn't want that around the other kids in the small group. How many of you loving kids from hard places know that some days we are so thankful that "shut up" is all our kids are saying to each other! Can I get an "amen?!" Then there is the single mom who was told that her Autistic son was too much of a "liability" for them to allow in the children's ministry. So you have a woman who has stepped out in faith to walk in obedience ALONE only to have the Church isolate her even more!
I truly believe that none of the leaders in these churches desired to hurt or wound or cripple families loving on children. However, whether that was the desire or not, that was the outcome! Church, foster and adoptive families need you! They have stepped out in obedience, they have climbed out of the boat onto the water and are about to experience a storm with waves like they have never known before! And many are doing this in response to sermons preached by pastors on Orphan Sunday! But they need more than a sermon telling them to do it; they need the Body of Christ wrapping around them not shoving them under the water!
What is the answer? I believe it is in education! I believe church leaders need to understand the needs of these families and educate themselves and the staff or volunteers working with these children about the special needs of a child with a history of abuse and trauma. There are amazing resources out now. Get on YouTube and watch anything with Dr. Karyn Purvis. Read Adopted for Life by Dr. Moore. Read Wounded Children Healing Homes by Schooler, Smalley and Callahan. These will give you a feel for what the families you are charged by God with shepherding are experiencing in their day to day life of loving these children and trying desperately to show them the love of Christ!
And to those churches who are already doing this, THANK YOU! I know there are many who are building adoption ministries from the ground up and are ensuring the education and training are in place with staff and volunteers before preaching the sermon encouraging families to answer the call to bring God's children home! Keep up the good work!
Lastly, to families who were wounded by the Church because she didn't know how to respond to your needs or your children as you walk this crazy path of fostering/adopting, on behalf of the Church let me say, I am truly sorry! I know the wounds can run deep and the hurt can be unbearable. Please allow God to apply His healing balm to your heart and find a Body of believers to connect with who will walk with you! God never intended for us to do this alone! It is a heavy and exhausting work that you have taken on, and you need others to hold up your arms from time to time. Orphan care ministries are popping up all over our great country as more and more people answer the call to adopt and understand the needs that go with that. Try to find one....and if you can't, start one! Just maybe you are the answer your Body of believers needs in this area.....
But as we talk to families, I am aware more and more of the need for the Church (with a Big "C") to educate herself! The stories of families are just heart breaking. John and I experienced first hand the inability of the Church to deal with the mess that often comes with loving the least of these that He calls us to bring into our home. When our teenage daughter who had lived with us less than a year became pregnant, the immediate reaction of the church was to kick her out of the youth group. Church had been my resting place in a time when my home was a battle ground. And now, my church was a battle ground as well as I fought to have my daughter stay where she would be spiritually fed and not experience the feeling of being an outcast yet again in her life. Another family shared a story of their small group not wanting them to bring their kids back because they told each other to "shut up", and they didn't want that around the other kids in the small group. How many of you loving kids from hard places know that some days we are so thankful that "shut up" is all our kids are saying to each other! Can I get an "amen?!" Then there is the single mom who was told that her Autistic son was too much of a "liability" for them to allow in the children's ministry. So you have a woman who has stepped out in faith to walk in obedience ALONE only to have the Church isolate her even more!
I truly believe that none of the leaders in these churches desired to hurt or wound or cripple families loving on children. However, whether that was the desire or not, that was the outcome! Church, foster and adoptive families need you! They have stepped out in obedience, they have climbed out of the boat onto the water and are about to experience a storm with waves like they have never known before! And many are doing this in response to sermons preached by pastors on Orphan Sunday! But they need more than a sermon telling them to do it; they need the Body of Christ wrapping around them not shoving them under the water!
What is the answer? I believe it is in education! I believe church leaders need to understand the needs of these families and educate themselves and the staff or volunteers working with these children about the special needs of a child with a history of abuse and trauma. There are amazing resources out now. Get on YouTube and watch anything with Dr. Karyn Purvis. Read Adopted for Life by Dr. Moore. Read Wounded Children Healing Homes by Schooler, Smalley and Callahan. These will give you a feel for what the families you are charged by God with shepherding are experiencing in their day to day life of loving these children and trying desperately to show them the love of Christ!
And to those churches who are already doing this, THANK YOU! I know there are many who are building adoption ministries from the ground up and are ensuring the education and training are in place with staff and volunteers before preaching the sermon encouraging families to answer the call to bring God's children home! Keep up the good work!
Lastly, to families who were wounded by the Church because she didn't know how to respond to your needs or your children as you walk this crazy path of fostering/adopting, on behalf of the Church let me say, I am truly sorry! I know the wounds can run deep and the hurt can be unbearable. Please allow God to apply His healing balm to your heart and find a Body of believers to connect with who will walk with you! God never intended for us to do this alone! It is a heavy and exhausting work that you have taken on, and you need others to hold up your arms from time to time. Orphan care ministries are popping up all over our great country as more and more people answer the call to adopt and understand the needs that go with that. Try to find one....and if you can't, start one! Just maybe you are the answer your Body of believers needs in this area.....
Friday, July 3, 2015
Trust Without Borders: When You Start to Sink
There is an amazing song by Hillsong that has been popular now for a year or more. It goes like this:
You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand
And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine
Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and You won't start now
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior
We heard Him call us out upon the waters! Two years ago today, we received a phone call that would forever change the course of our family. Our daughter was leaving our grandchildren, then 3 weeks and 11 months old, with John's parents and returning to an abusive relationship. CPS would be taking the children into custody the following Monday (it was a Wednesday & everything was shutting down for the July 4th holiday). John and I had just talked the night before about "what ifs". We both agreed that bringing these two babies into our home would require drastic sacrifice for our other 6 children. Children who had already sacrificed much over the last two years as we had navigated life while adding three children and two grand-babies to our family! I already felt maxed out in every way - physically, emotionally and spiritually - & I knew they felt much the same. How in the world would I parent two more infants? How would we pay for two more children in diapers and still on formula?
But as soon as the call came in, God began to speak. He illuminated every single step we were to take! We learned we had legal rights that we had no idea we had...in fact had previously been told we did not have. We heard God say, "Come to Me! Trust Me! Get out of the boat and walk this with me!" So we stepped out of the boat....onto the waters.
On July 5, a judge granted us temporary custody of our grand babies and we went from 6 children at home to 8! The ages were 13, almost 12, 8, 7, 3, just turned 2, 11 months, and 3 weeks! It really wasn't the "8" that was the problem. It was the 3, 2, 11 months and 3 weeks that was a struggle!
You know when you take a huge leap of faith, there is a period of exhilaration that fuels you! Kind of like the adrenaline rush. We had heard God and obeyed! It was fun trying to navigate our new life. The older kids were excited about having the babies and helped out tremendously! We would keep sippee cup and diaper counts for each day just for fun....it was a ridiculous number for both! Life seemed very surreal! Friends brought donations by the car load...literally! We were blessed beyond anything we could have hoped or imagined. We were walking on water.
When we agreed to pursue custody, we never intended for it to be long term. We fully believed that we would have them 6 months probably, a year at the maximum and they would go back to our daughter. We believed it would be a wake-up call, and things would improve so that there was a safe environment for the children to return.
But days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. God would call us to keep expanding our trust borders even more and move 5 hours away from all support systems just one month after the babies moved in. We had not been part of Ella's life for the first year, so she had no idea who we were. The trauma in her life was extensive. She pretty well screamed the majority of the time she was awake. Most of the time she was inconsolable. She would cry when you picked her up. She would cry when you put her down. The first sell of our house would fall through, but we moved anyway because John had a start date and the school year was beginning. So we moved with all the expenses that come with that (and in education, you don't get moving expenses), and we had to maintain two house payments for a couple of months. John went to work, the older kids went to school, and I was left in a new house full of unpacked boxes, not knowing a single living soul, with four kids ages three and under. Did you know you can't even go to the grocery store with that many small children as there is no where to put them all?!
It would begin what has become one of the darkest seasons of my life. As I heard Oceans by Hillsong, the other day, I was struck by the lyrics as I reflected on the last two years. God called me out up on the great unknown. He asked us to trust Him, and we did.
So, what happened?!
Just like Peter, in those moments where we sank, I had taken my eyes off my Savior! The enemy had successfully stolen my joy and my abundant life making me angry and bitter with God for asking us to do something that was so hard, that literally took all I had every. single. day. All I could think of was what my life would be like if we had not said yes to getting out of that boat.
You see, we had said yes to a life that required God's super on our natural to make it from morning to night. And then, along the way, we had believed enough lies of the enemy that we began walking in the flesh. We started looking around at the waves instead of focusing on the One who calms the storm. We started letting circumstances be our guide instead of the faith that is sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see...the faith that it required to get out of the boat in the first place.
You can't say yes in faith and then remove your eyes from the Author and Perfector of your faith! You. Will. Sink.
What do you do then? You refocus. You reclaim. You recommit. Some days, I still go under water. But those are usually the days that I hit snooze instead of getting out of bed and getting in the Word!
When you start to sink, you also remember. You remember that this is a season! As we went to our small community's 4th of July celebration yesterday, we laughed. We haven't done that as a family much the last few years. We recalled last year's celebration when there were screams through most of it. Which was pretty well our norm. But this year, there were less screams and more giggles. And next year, there will be even fewer screams and even more giggles...because this is a season! And because healing is occurring...for all of us!
As I start to find myself keeping my head above the water more and more, I think we will live again. I am taking back the joy that is mine in Christ...even with a life that requires more than I think I have to give most days. And on the days when I think it's "unfair" that He called me to this life, He gently reminds me that He gave his life for me, what then could be too much of him to ask? And He reminds me that my treasures are in heaven and not here on earth. And I start to look around and see all that I have to be thankful for even in the midst of the chaos! I celebrate the small victories...like all of the kids were dressed in actual 4th of July clothes! As silly as that sounds, it is a sign to me that I am beginning to be able to do the things that bring me joy in my life! Those little things have been beyond reach the last two years with all that just the daily tasks of life demanded.
Despite nearly drowning many times over the past two years, I am so thankfully when that call came in, we stepped out of the boat! It has forever changed me....and the little people that I call mine!
You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand
And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine
Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and You won't start now
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior
The big girl in this picture, well she is amazing! |
But as soon as the call came in, God began to speak. He illuminated every single step we were to take! We learned we had legal rights that we had no idea we had...in fact had previously been told we did not have. We heard God say, "Come to Me! Trust Me! Get out of the boat and walk this with me!" So we stepped out of the boat....onto the waters.
On July 5, a judge granted us temporary custody of our grand babies and we went from 6 children at home to 8! The ages were 13, almost 12, 8, 7, 3, just turned 2, 11 months, and 3 weeks! It really wasn't the "8" that was the problem. It was the 3, 2, 11 months and 3 weeks that was a struggle!
The big boy in this picture, well he is amazing! |
When we agreed to pursue custody, we never intended for it to be long term. We fully believed that we would have them 6 months probably, a year at the maximum and they would go back to our daughter. We believed it would be a wake-up call, and things would improve so that there was a safe environment for the children to return.
But days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. God would call us to keep expanding our trust borders even more and move 5 hours away from all support systems just one month after the babies moved in. We had not been part of Ella's life for the first year, so she had no idea who we were. The trauma in her life was extensive. She pretty well screamed the majority of the time she was awake. Most of the time she was inconsolable. She would cry when you picked her up. She would cry when you put her down. The first sell of our house would fall through, but we moved anyway because John had a start date and the school year was beginning. So we moved with all the expenses that come with that (and in education, you don't get moving expenses), and we had to maintain two house payments for a couple of months. John went to work, the older kids went to school, and I was left in a new house full of unpacked boxes, not knowing a single living soul, with four kids ages three and under. Did you know you can't even go to the grocery store with that many small children as there is no where to put them all?!
It would begin what has become one of the darkest seasons of my life. As I heard Oceans by Hillsong, the other day, I was struck by the lyrics as I reflected on the last two years. God called me out up on the great unknown. He asked us to trust Him, and we did.
So, what happened?!
Just like Peter, in those moments where we sank, I had taken my eyes off my Savior! The enemy had successfully stolen my joy and my abundant life making me angry and bitter with God for asking us to do something that was so hard, that literally took all I had every. single. day. All I could think of was what my life would be like if we had not said yes to getting out of that boat.
You see, we had said yes to a life that required God's super on our natural to make it from morning to night. And then, along the way, we had believed enough lies of the enemy that we began walking in the flesh. We started looking around at the waves instead of focusing on the One who calms the storm. We started letting circumstances be our guide instead of the faith that is sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see...the faith that it required to get out of the boat in the first place.
You can't say yes in faith and then remove your eyes from the Author and Perfector of your faith! You. Will. Sink.
What do you do then? You refocus. You reclaim. You recommit. Some days, I still go under water. But those are usually the days that I hit snooze instead of getting out of bed and getting in the Word!
Last y ear! |
This year~ (The Sun was bright! :) ) |
Despite nearly drowning many times over the past two years, I am so thankfully when that call came in, we stepped out of the boat! It has forever changed me....and the little people that I call mine!
Just because she is so beautiful! |
Just because he is so handsome! |
Monday, June 8, 2015
From Mimi to Mommy
It is here. The day that I will officially go from Mimi to Mommy. I have been in the role of mommy for some months now, but today it will be a legal, final title.
As John and I sat and talked about it, we both agreed that there are no words for the emotions. This is our 5th time to go before officials and declare our desire to make a child not born to us our legal child as if they were. There has always been such an excitement and grand anticipation of this day before. But this time is different. This time, that declaration carries with it such a heavy burden.
My road from Mimi to Mommy is a long and twisty one. The road started with a simple nod.
"So, are you pregnant?" And then the head nod that would turn my world upside down.
It took time, but we worked through it. We accepted that the daughter we had just taken in as our daughter, was now going to be a mother. And we were going to be grandparents...at 38 years young! The months ahead were spent trying to prepare a young girl how to be a woman and mother. I am sure we made many mistakes! But I know we did the best we could with what we knew and what we had to offer. And I know above all else, that we went to God with every decision we had to make and every questions we had about what was next over those weeks and months! He has been so faithful! I held my daughter's hand as she gave birth to her daughter on July 18, 2012. It was an emotional day for all of us! No matter what our past was, a new life had been born! A life God created with a purpose and a plan, a hope and future that was good! And a Mimi was born!
I would only get to love on my sweet girl for 5 weeks before she would leave our home when her mother ran away with her. It was one of the darkest and most confusing times of my life. Again, I am sure we made many mistakes, but we did the best we could with what we had and what we knew at that time. I would kiss her sweet face as she slept in a car seat that her mother carried as she walked out of the police station a few days later not knowing when or if I would ever see them again. I had to turn her totally and completely over to God! I would have worried myself into complete dysfunction if I had not just rolled her safety and well being over to God and left it with Him. Some days seemed unbearable. Others just left me in a heap of tears with aching arms to hold my daughter and my grandbaby.
We would only see her three or four times for just minutes at a time over the next 10 months. When we did see her, we were strangers. The joy of getting to see her was always met with the reality and heartbreak that she had no clue who we were! It was an agonizing pain like none I had ever known. And I was powerless to do anything about it. During those months we heard through the grapevine that we were going to be grandparents again.
On June 11, 2013 I once again stood in a delivery room as a baby boy would enter this world! He didn't want to breathe at first. I stood over him while he was in the warmer speaking life and praying complete health over him as nursery nurses were called up in case he became distressed. After what seemed like an eternity, they allowed us to hold him and felt confident he was going to be just fine.
We spent the next three weeks trying to build a relationship with our daughter and her new family. God would use this time to bring truth to light in a way that can only be accredited to Him! And on July 3 we received a phone call that we never dreamed we would receive. Our grandbabies had been left with John's parents. CPS would be coming to get them after the holiday to determine where they would be placed. The next hours were a blur as God literally lit each and every step for us to take! We learned things in minutes that I had never heard in years of a career with children! And on July 5, a judge granted us full custody of our two grandbabies. We now had 8 children in our home ages 13, 12, 8, 7, 3, 23 months, 11 months, and 3 weeks.
We intervened only to keep them safe. Our plan was for our daughter to get settled and the children return to her. From the time we found out she was pregnant, we had made it our goal to support and equip her to be a mother to her children. God would orchestrate a move half way across Texas just weeks after we gained custody of the babies. So we left all our support system and moved with 8 children, four of whom were 3 and under. It was the hardest year of my life! John and I looked at each other on more than one occasion and said, "We can't do this!" But when we would stop to pray about it, God would always take us back to how they came to be with us. There was No. Way. that could have happened outside of God orchestrating all the events just as He did. And what option did we have? If there had been any other way to keep them safe, we would have done it. But God made it clear, their place was with us. The enemy tried in so many ways to convince us we couldn't or shouldn't do it. But God was faithful to always bring us back to how they came to us, and remind us that He has a plan and a purpose for them...and that is ultimately whey they are with us. We are to raise them to be His children for His kingdom purposes!
We would learn that a third grandbaby was on his way into the world. After much prayer and consideration, we agreed that the two babies needed to stay with us in order to secure a permanent, stable home. And again, God made a way where we saw No. Way. In March 2014, relinquishment papers were signed allowing us to be free and clear to legally adopt the children ensuring that they will stay with us. And just like that my role changed from Mimi to Mommy.
It sounds so cut and dry. And I guess on legal papers, it is. But in my heart, it is anything but easy or cut and dry. I should be excited about tomorrow! And on some level I am. I am excited that legally, there will be nothing that can take these two precious ones out of my home. I am excited that there will be legal paperwork to support what I already know in my heart...they are mine. But it also is a death of a dream. A dream of getting to be Mimi to two precious children while I watched their mother, my daughter, raise them. It means realizing that they will have to wrestle one day with how and why their Mimi had to become their Mommy. There will be hard questions. There will be brokenness that will have to be healed. I always said when we started fostering that the emotions I had during the process were just unnatural. I did not know what to do with the emotions as there are no files in my brain to put them in because they are just not natural feelings. In a perfect world, there would be no need for adoption! There would be no orphans. This process has been much like that. There are just no files to sort out the emotions that come. There will be deep mourning over my daughter losing her role as mother for her children. And that breaks my heart in ways I never even knew it could break.
But as I think about last night when Ella (formerly Peighton) played on the stairs at the restaurant where we were eating, I get excited about tomorrow! Why? Because while playing on the stairs, she did a free fall about three steps up for Callie to catch her! No bid deal, you think? It is a HUGE. DEAL. It showed trust! The little girl who came to live with us was scared, confused, slept for three days straight, and cried just about non stop! But before me stood a confident, trusting, giggling little girl who just gets to be a little girl! And that makes me happy. And that makes all the sacrifices worth it!
And DJ, well you can ask anyone who knows him! He has a light in him that shines bright! And his smile can melt a heart in an instant! He is my boy!
Even as I sat down to really process things before we head to court, God showed up! I was going to look up the scriptures He had given me for Ella last year about this time. I knew they were in Isaiah but would have to do some looking to find exactly where. But as I opened my Bible to look, it opened to the exact page with the scriptures marked with her name! It was just one more encouragement from God that we are doing the right thing for them.
Today, the third time that we have scheduled court, we are FINALLY going to make this official! This Mimi is becoming their Mommy! And because EVERY adoption should be celebrated, I am going to do my best to lay aside why we are at this place and celebrate the fact that I have two more arrows in my quiver who are a blessing from God in order for me to train and equip them for their Kingdom purposes! The road has not been an easy one, but today, I lay it all down and embrace the title of Mommy with thanksgiving, excitement and joy!
As John and I sat and talked about it, we both agreed that there are no words for the emotions. This is our 5th time to go before officials and declare our desire to make a child not born to us our legal child as if they were. There has always been such an excitement and grand anticipation of this day before. But this time is different. This time, that declaration carries with it such a heavy burden.
My road from Mimi to Mommy is a long and twisty one. The road started with a simple nod.
"So, are you pregnant?" And then the head nod that would turn my world upside down.
It took time, but we worked through it. We accepted that the daughter we had just taken in as our daughter, was now going to be a mother. And we were going to be grandparents...at 38 years young! The months ahead were spent trying to prepare a young girl how to be a woman and mother. I am sure we made many mistakes! But I know we did the best we could with what we knew and what we had to offer. And I know above all else, that we went to God with every decision we had to make and every questions we had about what was next over those weeks and months! He has been so faithful! I held my daughter's hand as she gave birth to her daughter on July 18, 2012. It was an emotional day for all of us! No matter what our past was, a new life had been born! A life God created with a purpose and a plan, a hope and future that was good! And a Mimi was born!
I would only get to love on my sweet girl for 5 weeks before she would leave our home when her mother ran away with her. It was one of the darkest and most confusing times of my life. Again, I am sure we made many mistakes, but we did the best we could with what we had and what we knew at that time. I would kiss her sweet face as she slept in a car seat that her mother carried as she walked out of the police station a few days later not knowing when or if I would ever see them again. I had to turn her totally and completely over to God! I would have worried myself into complete dysfunction if I had not just rolled her safety and well being over to God and left it with Him. Some days seemed unbearable. Others just left me in a heap of tears with aching arms to hold my daughter and my grandbaby.
We would only see her three or four times for just minutes at a time over the next 10 months. When we did see her, we were strangers. The joy of getting to see her was always met with the reality and heartbreak that she had no clue who we were! It was an agonizing pain like none I had ever known. And I was powerless to do anything about it. During those months we heard through the grapevine that we were going to be grandparents again.
On June 11, 2013 I once again stood in a delivery room as a baby boy would enter this world! He didn't want to breathe at first. I stood over him while he was in the warmer speaking life and praying complete health over him as nursery nurses were called up in case he became distressed. After what seemed like an eternity, they allowed us to hold him and felt confident he was going to be just fine.
We spent the next three weeks trying to build a relationship with our daughter and her new family. God would use this time to bring truth to light in a way that can only be accredited to Him! And on July 3 we received a phone call that we never dreamed we would receive. Our grandbabies had been left with John's parents. CPS would be coming to get them after the holiday to determine where they would be placed. The next hours were a blur as God literally lit each and every step for us to take! We learned things in minutes that I had never heard in years of a career with children! And on July 5, a judge granted us full custody of our two grandbabies. We now had 8 children in our home ages 13, 12, 8, 7, 3, 23 months, 11 months, and 3 weeks.
We intervened only to keep them safe. Our plan was for our daughter to get settled and the children return to her. From the time we found out she was pregnant, we had made it our goal to support and equip her to be a mother to her children. God would orchestrate a move half way across Texas just weeks after we gained custody of the babies. So we left all our support system and moved with 8 children, four of whom were 3 and under. It was the hardest year of my life! John and I looked at each other on more than one occasion and said, "We can't do this!" But when we would stop to pray about it, God would always take us back to how they came to be with us. There was No. Way. that could have happened outside of God orchestrating all the events just as He did. And what option did we have? If there had been any other way to keep them safe, we would have done it. But God made it clear, their place was with us. The enemy tried in so many ways to convince us we couldn't or shouldn't do it. But God was faithful to always bring us back to how they came to us, and remind us that He has a plan and a purpose for them...and that is ultimately whey they are with us. We are to raise them to be His children for His kingdom purposes!
We would learn that a third grandbaby was on his way into the world. After much prayer and consideration, we agreed that the two babies needed to stay with us in order to secure a permanent, stable home. And again, God made a way where we saw No. Way. In March 2014, relinquishment papers were signed allowing us to be free and clear to legally adopt the children ensuring that they will stay with us. And just like that my role changed from Mimi to Mommy.
It sounds so cut and dry. And I guess on legal papers, it is. But in my heart, it is anything but easy or cut and dry. I should be excited about tomorrow! And on some level I am. I am excited that legally, there will be nothing that can take these two precious ones out of my home. I am excited that there will be legal paperwork to support what I already know in my heart...they are mine. But it also is a death of a dream. A dream of getting to be Mimi to two precious children while I watched their mother, my daughter, raise them. It means realizing that they will have to wrestle one day with how and why their Mimi had to become their Mommy. There will be hard questions. There will be brokenness that will have to be healed. I always said when we started fostering that the emotions I had during the process were just unnatural. I did not know what to do with the emotions as there are no files in my brain to put them in because they are just not natural feelings. In a perfect world, there would be no need for adoption! There would be no orphans. This process has been much like that. There are just no files to sort out the emotions that come. There will be deep mourning over my daughter losing her role as mother for her children. And that breaks my heart in ways I never even knew it could break.
But as I think about last night when Ella (formerly Peighton) played on the stairs at the restaurant where we were eating, I get excited about tomorrow! Why? Because while playing on the stairs, she did a free fall about three steps up for Callie to catch her! No bid deal, you think? It is a HUGE. DEAL. It showed trust! The little girl who came to live with us was scared, confused, slept for three days straight, and cried just about non stop! But before me stood a confident, trusting, giggling little girl who just gets to be a little girl! And that makes me happy. And that makes all the sacrifices worth it!
And DJ, well you can ask anyone who knows him! He has a light in him that shines bright! And his smile can melt a heart in an instant! He is my boy!
Even as I sat down to really process things before we head to court, God showed up! I was going to look up the scriptures He had given me for Ella last year about this time. I knew they were in Isaiah but would have to do some looking to find exactly where. But as I opened my Bible to look, it opened to the exact page with the scriptures marked with her name! It was just one more encouragement from God that we are doing the right thing for them.
Today, the third time that we have scheduled court, we are FINALLY going to make this official! This Mimi is becoming their Mommy! And because EVERY adoption should be celebrated, I am going to do my best to lay aside why we are at this place and celebrate the fact that I have two more arrows in my quiver who are a blessing from God in order for me to train and equip them for their Kingdom purposes! The road has not been an easy one, but today, I lay it all down and embrace the title of Mommy with thanksgiving, excitement and joy!
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Identity Theft
"Identity theft started in the garden." Matt Oxley, Pastor at The Creek Church Fort Worth
That one statement started a realization and a glimmer of light in the very dark place I have found myself spiraling for some weeks now. I wish I had written this on Sunday because I was basking in the light that was shining and pushing away the darkness with this new realization. However, today is Thursday and as so often happens, as the week has progressed, the darkness has crept back in and I write this from a place of needing to hear it myself again! Normally, I would probably just not write about it since I find myself right back in this place. But as I have visited with other moms this week, I realize that what I am in the middle of is a common place for many who are parenting any children, but especially children who have come to them from a place of trauma. There are also women who have been called to do something as a mom - adoption, home schooling, staying home when they thought career was their goal, being called to go back to work when they thought staying home would be their life until kids left, unplanned pregnancy later in life - that was not in their plan. All these things have one thing in common - surrender! They all require us as women to surrender our plans and our belief of what being a mom looked like in our lives to the One who is calling us out of that! And with that surrender comes a trust that He will hold us close and provide what we need as we walk out the calling.
I keep saying this has been a hard season, but it has. It has stretched me in every way possible beyond what I ever dreamed being capable of stretching. It has left me "sore" emotionally, at times physically as my body has responded to the stress it carries, and most of all spiritually. It has left small cracks in my armor that the enemy has used to insert a half truth or two. In my fog of the past few weeks of feeling myself slipping down into a place of feeling overwhelmed, at times hopeless, and even wondering if depression was creeping back in to stay, I have focused more on circumstances than Truth. I knew that somewhere in my heart, but it was if even knowing that, I could not put my finger on what was wrong or how to stop it. I was still doing my quiet time (key word "quiet"!) when I could manage to get a few minutes without children awake and making demands. I was still having personal worship time where I cried out to God and poured my heart back to Him. I would have moments of total thankfulness for what He has given to me that I would pour out to Him. If there was a checklist of things to do to get you back on track, I had done them...but still the dark cloud remained.
When Matt said in his sermon Sunday, "Identity theft started in the garden, " I knew that was the explanation of my current state! Because of the circumstances around some of my children and the current issues it was causing in our home, the enemy had stolen my identity as a mother! He had started with the half truths that were so believable because they had truth in them! But then he kept on with his lies until he had me at a place where all joy and desire to be a mother had been replaced with bitterness and exhaustion and hopelessness! He stole my identity. But Matt reminded me that the enemy is defeated! For weeks I had listened to the little whispers, most of which were lies but were sprinkled with just enough truth to make them believable, and found myself in a place of being totally defeated as a mother. Being a wife and mother was all I had ever wanted from the time I was a little girl! And the enemy had taken and stolen that from me with his lies!
But here is the Truth! Revelation 12:10 "Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, 'Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony and they did not love their life even when faced with death." (emphasis mine) Did you catch that? He accuses us day and night, but he has been Thrown. Down. We have Overcome him! Romans 8:37 says it like this, "But in all things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us." I can take my identity back!
How do I do that? First, I get my eyes of circumstances that have allowed me to believe the lies, and I place them on Jesus that rose from the grave with the keys in His hand that unlock any chain of bondage that the enemy tries to wrap me up in! Then I replace the lies the enemy has whispered over me with Truth! I dig into the Word and find scriptures to literally speak over myself when I hear the lies! I also have to daily lay down my life and take up my cross. You see the decision to parent 9 children wasn't a one time choice. It is a daily decision to lay down what "could have been" if we had not said yes to what God asked us to do and accept that what He has for us is better than anything that we could have gained in saying no. It is taking those keys that Jesus gives us to unlock our prisons and as Matt said to shake them in the face of the enemy and remind him that I am free, and I am unwilling to put myself back in a prison by believing his lies! I am taking back my identity! I encourage you to do the same in whatever area you may have found the enemy trying to steal who you are in Christ!
John 8:36 "So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed!"
That one statement started a realization and a glimmer of light in the very dark place I have found myself spiraling for some weeks now. I wish I had written this on Sunday because I was basking in the light that was shining and pushing away the darkness with this new realization. However, today is Thursday and as so often happens, as the week has progressed, the darkness has crept back in and I write this from a place of needing to hear it myself again! Normally, I would probably just not write about it since I find myself right back in this place. But as I have visited with other moms this week, I realize that what I am in the middle of is a common place for many who are parenting any children, but especially children who have come to them from a place of trauma. There are also women who have been called to do something as a mom - adoption, home schooling, staying home when they thought career was their goal, being called to go back to work when they thought staying home would be their life until kids left, unplanned pregnancy later in life - that was not in their plan. All these things have one thing in common - surrender! They all require us as women to surrender our plans and our belief of what being a mom looked like in our lives to the One who is calling us out of that! And with that surrender comes a trust that He will hold us close and provide what we need as we walk out the calling.
I keep saying this has been a hard season, but it has. It has stretched me in every way possible beyond what I ever dreamed being capable of stretching. It has left me "sore" emotionally, at times physically as my body has responded to the stress it carries, and most of all spiritually. It has left small cracks in my armor that the enemy has used to insert a half truth or two. In my fog of the past few weeks of feeling myself slipping down into a place of feeling overwhelmed, at times hopeless, and even wondering if depression was creeping back in to stay, I have focused more on circumstances than Truth. I knew that somewhere in my heart, but it was if even knowing that, I could not put my finger on what was wrong or how to stop it. I was still doing my quiet time (key word "quiet"!) when I could manage to get a few minutes without children awake and making demands. I was still having personal worship time where I cried out to God and poured my heart back to Him. I would have moments of total thankfulness for what He has given to me that I would pour out to Him. If there was a checklist of things to do to get you back on track, I had done them...but still the dark cloud remained.
When Matt said in his sermon Sunday, "Identity theft started in the garden, " I knew that was the explanation of my current state! Because of the circumstances around some of my children and the current issues it was causing in our home, the enemy had stolen my identity as a mother! He had started with the half truths that were so believable because they had truth in them! But then he kept on with his lies until he had me at a place where all joy and desire to be a mother had been replaced with bitterness and exhaustion and hopelessness! He stole my identity. But Matt reminded me that the enemy is defeated! For weeks I had listened to the little whispers, most of which were lies but were sprinkled with just enough truth to make them believable, and found myself in a place of being totally defeated as a mother. Being a wife and mother was all I had ever wanted from the time I was a little girl! And the enemy had taken and stolen that from me with his lies!
But here is the Truth! Revelation 12:10 "Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, 'Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony and they did not love their life even when faced with death." (emphasis mine) Did you catch that? He accuses us day and night, but he has been Thrown. Down. We have Overcome him! Romans 8:37 says it like this, "But in all things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us." I can take my identity back!
How do I do that? First, I get my eyes of circumstances that have allowed me to believe the lies, and I place them on Jesus that rose from the grave with the keys in His hand that unlock any chain of bondage that the enemy tries to wrap me up in! Then I replace the lies the enemy has whispered over me with Truth! I dig into the Word and find scriptures to literally speak over myself when I hear the lies! I also have to daily lay down my life and take up my cross. You see the decision to parent 9 children wasn't a one time choice. It is a daily decision to lay down what "could have been" if we had not said yes to what God asked us to do and accept that what He has for us is better than anything that we could have gained in saying no. It is taking those keys that Jesus gives us to unlock our prisons and as Matt said to shake them in the face of the enemy and remind him that I am free, and I am unwilling to put myself back in a prison by believing his lies! I am taking back my identity! I encourage you to do the same in whatever area you may have found the enemy trying to steal who you are in Christ!
John 8:36 "So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed!"
Monday, May 18, 2015
He Will Not Leave You As Orphans
Yesterday was one of the best days in the life of a mother! I watched as John baptized our son Toben Obadiah. Toben accepted Christ as his savior a couple months ago, but I was not here. John was the one who had the privileged of having that conversation with him! So it was a special day to watch the symbolic act of my son being buried with Christ and raise to walk as a new man in his identity in Christ!
The biggest lesson I learned from our loss of our first baby to a miscarriage is that my children are not mine. I had no idea all that being a mother would take me through on that day in January almost 17 years ago, but I knew that children were God's. He would give them to us for the time He needed for His purposes in His kingdom! That lesson has been reinforced time and time again...and I was reminded of it again yesterday as I watched my son, born in Liberia half a world away, come up out of that water as a follower of Jesus Christ!
Obviously, this is a huge deal for any of my children! But when one of our kiddos that God placed in our family through adoption makes their profession of faith, it is such a huge reminder of the call on the lives of God's people for adoption. As I watched yesterday, I thought of his first mother who I owe everything! I wished I could pick up the phone and call her or text her pictures of our boy so she could rejoice with us that our son had given his life to Jesus! But I also thought of the hard days. I thought of the ten days we waited in Liberia because the enemy tried to keep our son from the destiny God had for him. I rejoiced once again as the enemy was defeated as Toben raised up out of the water a new creation in Christ! See, I know without a doubt, adoption is about new life. It's about new identities. It is what our adoption in Christ means, and it is what the adoption of my children in the natural means!
I desperately needed that reminder yesterday! It's been a hard season. But as I watched my son demonstrate his commitment to make Jesus Lord of his life, I was encouraged and renewed in my commitment to hand over my life - daily - to my Lord and Savior!
"I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you." John 14:18
The biggest lesson I learned from our loss of our first baby to a miscarriage is that my children are not mine. I had no idea all that being a mother would take me through on that day in January almost 17 years ago, but I knew that children were God's. He would give them to us for the time He needed for His purposes in His kingdom! That lesson has been reinforced time and time again...and I was reminded of it again yesterday as I watched my son, born in Liberia half a world away, come up out of that water as a follower of Jesus Christ!
Obviously, this is a huge deal for any of my children! But when one of our kiddos that God placed in our family through adoption makes their profession of faith, it is such a huge reminder of the call on the lives of God's people for adoption. As I watched yesterday, I thought of his first mother who I owe everything! I wished I could pick up the phone and call her or text her pictures of our boy so she could rejoice with us that our son had given his life to Jesus! But I also thought of the hard days. I thought of the ten days we waited in Liberia because the enemy tried to keep our son from the destiny God had for him. I rejoiced once again as the enemy was defeated as Toben raised up out of the water a new creation in Christ! See, I know without a doubt, adoption is about new life. It's about new identities. It is what our adoption in Christ means, and it is what the adoption of my children in the natural means!
I desperately needed that reminder yesterday! It's been a hard season. But as I watched my son demonstrate his commitment to make Jesus Lord of his life, I was encouraged and renewed in my commitment to hand over my life - daily - to my Lord and Savior!
"I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you." John 14:18
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Ava: Today is the day
We finally have insurance approval, and today is the day we go for the blood draw for the Fragile X and chromosomal tests. Ava is worried about the blood draw, but I reminded her how brave she was last time we had to draw blood! She didn't even cry! So she asked if they could get the blood from the same arm in the same place! :) And then it was all better. That is what I love about her!
Today really isn't such a bid deal. I mean, all we are doing is drawing blood. But for me, as a mother, today is kind of tough. I think in the processing of what we are learning, today means that we truly know there is something that we don't know. Today means there is something that doesn't function as it should in my daughter's body. And for a mamma, that really is kind of a big deal.
I have sat and listened to "It is Well" by Bethel over and over. Can I be honest? I am not there right now. I am not ok with this! However, I can sincerely sing the song as a prayer that God will continue to work and mature me to a place where no matter what the tests say or what my little girl has to face because of what the tests show, it will be well. And I know the key to that is how the song ends..."through it all, my eyes are on You".
Placing my eyes on Him and headed to school to pick up my little warrior and get this done! Then....we might just go have lunch and do some shopping! Shhhh! Don't tell the school! :) But I think this mamma needs some time with my baby today!
Today really isn't such a bid deal. I mean, all we are doing is drawing blood. But for me, as a mother, today is kind of tough. I think in the processing of what we are learning, today means that we truly know there is something that we don't know. Today means there is something that doesn't function as it should in my daughter's body. And for a mamma, that really is kind of a big deal.
I have sat and listened to "It is Well" by Bethel over and over. Can I be honest? I am not there right now. I am not ok with this! However, I can sincerely sing the song as a prayer that God will continue to work and mature me to a place where no matter what the tests say or what my little girl has to face because of what the tests show, it will be well. And I know the key to that is how the song ends..."through it all, my eyes are on You".
Placing my eyes on Him and headed to school to pick up my little warrior and get this done! Then....we might just go have lunch and do some shopping! Shhhh! Don't tell the school! :) But I think this mamma needs some time with my baby today!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
What Frozen Taught Me About My Children From Hard Places
Like most of you, I am sure, we own Frozen. And like most of you, we have watched it 1,439 times. Madison can almost quote it word for word! We hadn't watched it in a while, and she asked to watch it the other day. I have to admit, I really like do like the movie...and the songs! I can relate to a lot of the sentiment in Let it Go! And to be honest, I usually join in the crooning with Madison and the other toddlers when the songs come on during the movie! But this time as "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman" played, I was struck by the scene where the father is putting the gloves on Elsa's hands. With a smile on his face showing that he truly only has Elsa's best interest at heart, he slips the glove on her hand and says, "Conceal it" which Elsa finishes with "Don't feel it". Then in unison, they say, "Don't let it show."
I was immediately struck by just how much of a picture that is in so many homes where we have children with a history of trauma! How many times have we handed our kids "gloves" to put over their hurts and simply said, conceal it. Don't feel it. And they repeat, "Don't let it show!" Just like Elsa's father, we have the best intentions, right? We want to protect our children from the hurts they have suffered in the past, and we want to protect our children from what other people will think of them, or if we are really honest, what other people will think of us if they "show" their true colors by acting out in their hurt or wounds. "Conceal it, don't feel it. Don't let it show!"
With that thinking in mind, I rewind the disc and listen to more of this scenario and am brought to tears as I think of how I have reacted at times to my children. As soon as the parents throw open the door to the ballroom and see Elsa holding a limp Anna and ice all around, the father in a very stern voice says, "Elsa! What have you done?!" Immediately Elsa feels guilty, sad and starts trying to explain. What had she done? She had been innocently playing with her sister and accidentally injured her by over zealously using her power in fun. How many times have my children been snapped at simply because they were acting in fun and because of their past trauma didn't realize they were hurting someone? Have I stopped and given them time to explain? Have I stopped and explained to them that I am not mad or upset with them, but just explain why the behavior is not ok? Have I stopped and given them an opportunity to empathize with the person they hurt and then apologize for hurting them? The parents do what many of us do in a crisis with our children from trauma...we scoop them up and take them to the specialist, right?! This is a very loving and logical act. But sometimes we get poor advice from "specialists" and sometimes maybe perhaps we over reacted to good advice. The specialist tells the father that there is beauty in Elsa's gift, but there is also real danger and fear is her enemy. The dad immediately starts spewing all he will do to protect her...and it ends in complete isolation. Again, this is a father with the most loving intentions toward his daughter, but in his haste and perhaps his own fear of the opinion of others, makes decisions that actually reinforces the one thing that makes the matter worse...fear. "Conceal it, don't feel it. Don't let it show!"
Then we see the "other" daughter outside the door begging Elsa to come out and play. Her memory has been wiped clean of all that has happened. I see Anna as many children in families who are accepting the call to love the orphaned and are having to experience the pain and frustration of sharing their home with children from hard places. Anna has no idea why all of a sudden Elsa cannot come out and play. Anna is deeply wounded when Elsa tells her to go away, because Anna just does not understand Elsa! Elsa has no desire to wound Anna. Again, her fears, her isolation requires her to shove Anna away when what she wants more than anything is to throw open the doors and build the snowman with Anna! I see this so many times in families. Children already in the home come into these situations with expectations of adding an older brother or sister that they have always longed for to their family. Or they are finally getting that little sibling they have always wanted to care for. Then when that child with all his trauma induced behavior arrives, the dreams shatter quickly. Neither child is at "fault"! It is just a side effect of children who have been abused and neglected and children who have been loved and nurtured learning to live in harmony in the same family. Are we preparing our children who are already in the home for the potential immaturity of an "older" sibling? Are we preparing our children who are already in the home for the outbursts and stiff armed shoves of the younger child who doesn't know how to let anyone love or care for or nurture them? Are we teaching our children empathy as these incidents occur? Or are we taking the "side" of our children already in the home and becoming offended with them at the immature, illogical and at times irrational behaviors of the children from trauma? Are we making room for our wounded children to learn how to interact with others or are we simply putting them in a room, locking the door and asking them to do the same? "Conceal it, don't feel it. Don't let it show!"
From the first time I saw the movie, the wisdom in the troll when he says, "you are lucky it was not her heart. The heart cannot be so easily changed, but the mind, it can be persuaded," has struck me as profound! When these children come into our homes, we "know" they are safe! But the thing is, until they "know" they are safe, it really doesn't matter what we "know". And even if they "know" in their head this is a safe place, the healing doesn't start until the heart knows it's a safe place! And the heart cannot be so easily changed.
But here is the good news, the heart CAN. BE. CHANGED! How? We have to teach them to LET. IT. GO! Listen to the words of that song with your children from trauma in mind! We know there is a storm raging inside of them! In order for them to come to healing, we have to allow them to take off the gloves, feel what they really feel and deal with what all that means! That means we may have to let them "freeze" a few things in the process. We may end up with some ice castles and disasters in the wake of them learning to handle their thoughts and emotions from their past. But when we do, oh the beauty we will see! They will begin to use their wounds to make ice sculptures instead of weapons! We will begin to see them blossom into the children God intended them to be! They are worth redeeming! They are worth whatever it takes to redeem this generation!
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result...." Genesis 50:20
** Disclaimer: If you, like me see this and have remorse over how you have responded at times to your children from trauma because you were worn out, tired or just plain on edge, do not let this bring guilt! Repent, and move on! Wipe your own slate clean and giver yourself a fresh start just like you do your children! Go give that child a great big hug! If the offense against them occurred recently, go apologize for losing it with them or reacting negatively. You might just be surprised how far an apology will go! And most of all, know You. Are. Not. Alone!
I was immediately struck by just how much of a picture that is in so many homes where we have children with a history of trauma! How many times have we handed our kids "gloves" to put over their hurts and simply said, conceal it. Don't feel it. And they repeat, "Don't let it show!" Just like Elsa's father, we have the best intentions, right? We want to protect our children from the hurts they have suffered in the past, and we want to protect our children from what other people will think of them, or if we are really honest, what other people will think of us if they "show" their true colors by acting out in their hurt or wounds. "Conceal it, don't feel it. Don't let it show!"
With that thinking in mind, I rewind the disc and listen to more of this scenario and am brought to tears as I think of how I have reacted at times to my children. As soon as the parents throw open the door to the ballroom and see Elsa holding a limp Anna and ice all around, the father in a very stern voice says, "Elsa! What have you done?!" Immediately Elsa feels guilty, sad and starts trying to explain. What had she done? She had been innocently playing with her sister and accidentally injured her by over zealously using her power in fun. How many times have my children been snapped at simply because they were acting in fun and because of their past trauma didn't realize they were hurting someone? Have I stopped and given them time to explain? Have I stopped and explained to them that I am not mad or upset with them, but just explain why the behavior is not ok? Have I stopped and given them an opportunity to empathize with the person they hurt and then apologize for hurting them? The parents do what many of us do in a crisis with our children from trauma...we scoop them up and take them to the specialist, right?! This is a very loving and logical act. But sometimes we get poor advice from "specialists" and sometimes maybe perhaps we over reacted to good advice. The specialist tells the father that there is beauty in Elsa's gift, but there is also real danger and fear is her enemy. The dad immediately starts spewing all he will do to protect her...and it ends in complete isolation. Again, this is a father with the most loving intentions toward his daughter, but in his haste and perhaps his own fear of the opinion of others, makes decisions that actually reinforces the one thing that makes the matter worse...fear. "Conceal it, don't feel it. Don't let it show!"
Then we see the "other" daughter outside the door begging Elsa to come out and play. Her memory has been wiped clean of all that has happened. I see Anna as many children in families who are accepting the call to love the orphaned and are having to experience the pain and frustration of sharing their home with children from hard places. Anna has no idea why all of a sudden Elsa cannot come out and play. Anna is deeply wounded when Elsa tells her to go away, because Anna just does not understand Elsa! Elsa has no desire to wound Anna. Again, her fears, her isolation requires her to shove Anna away when what she wants more than anything is to throw open the doors and build the snowman with Anna! I see this so many times in families. Children already in the home come into these situations with expectations of adding an older brother or sister that they have always longed for to their family. Or they are finally getting that little sibling they have always wanted to care for. Then when that child with all his trauma induced behavior arrives, the dreams shatter quickly. Neither child is at "fault"! It is just a side effect of children who have been abused and neglected and children who have been loved and nurtured learning to live in harmony in the same family. Are we preparing our children who are already in the home for the potential immaturity of an "older" sibling? Are we preparing our children who are already in the home for the outbursts and stiff armed shoves of the younger child who doesn't know how to let anyone love or care for or nurture them? Are we teaching our children empathy as these incidents occur? Or are we taking the "side" of our children already in the home and becoming offended with them at the immature, illogical and at times irrational behaviors of the children from trauma? Are we making room for our wounded children to learn how to interact with others or are we simply putting them in a room, locking the door and asking them to do the same? "Conceal it, don't feel it. Don't let it show!"
From the first time I saw the movie, the wisdom in the troll when he says, "you are lucky it was not her heart. The heart cannot be so easily changed, but the mind, it can be persuaded," has struck me as profound! When these children come into our homes, we "know" they are safe! But the thing is, until they "know" they are safe, it really doesn't matter what we "know". And even if they "know" in their head this is a safe place, the healing doesn't start until the heart knows it's a safe place! And the heart cannot be so easily changed.
But here is the good news, the heart CAN. BE. CHANGED! How? We have to teach them to LET. IT. GO! Listen to the words of that song with your children from trauma in mind! We know there is a storm raging inside of them! In order for them to come to healing, we have to allow them to take off the gloves, feel what they really feel and deal with what all that means! That means we may have to let them "freeze" a few things in the process. We may end up with some ice castles and disasters in the wake of them learning to handle their thoughts and emotions from their past. But when we do, oh the beauty we will see! They will begin to use their wounds to make ice sculptures instead of weapons! We will begin to see them blossom into the children God intended them to be! They are worth redeeming! They are worth whatever it takes to redeem this generation!
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result...." Genesis 50:20
** Disclaimer: If you, like me see this and have remorse over how you have responded at times to your children from trauma because you were worn out, tired or just plain on edge, do not let this bring guilt! Repent, and move on! Wipe your own slate clean and giver yourself a fresh start just like you do your children! Go give that child a great big hug! If the offense against them occurred recently, go apologize for losing it with them or reacting negatively. You might just be surprised how far an apology will go! And most of all, know You. Are. Not. Alone!
Monday, March 16, 2015
Alive and Active
I had to smile as I pulled up my blog to write this post! The title of the last post was "still waiting". You will see the irony in that in just a minute!
One of Ava's biggest struggles is memory. Learning math facts, memorizing spelling words, things like that are a real struggle. And she may have it down today, but then tomorrow it may be as if we never even talked about it.
So yesterday when I picked her up from her church service and she told me she got an extra treat because she already said her memory verse, I am sure I had a puzzled look on my face. She danced around with that light that shines so brightly in her saying, "I already memorized it! I did it during the service! I know it already!" Then she proceeds to say it....."Wait on the Lord, be strong and courageous. Wait on the Lord Psalm 27 dot, dot 14" (she really says "dot, dot"!!) I was impressed. But can I confess there was a thought that passed through my mind that went something like, "we'll see if she can still say it in the morning."
She proceeded to repeat it all throughout the evening last night. Enough, that I now have it memorized! And my memory is mediocre at best! God in His ever humbling ways brought this exact verse to mind just this morning as I was becoming impatient with some circumstances in my life and wanted to just run away from them! "Wait on the Lord! be strong (some translations then say) and don't lose hope. Wait on the Lord." One of the things that Ava said when she told us she memorized it was that God said "Wait on the Lord" twice! John reminded her that when God repeats himself, He really wants us to listen!
Again, God has used my children to teach me a couple of valuable lessons! First, the Word of God is alive and active! It is sharper than a double edged sword and will divide bone and marrow. No, Ava may not be able to remember that 4+6=10, but the Word of God being alive and active planted itself in the deepest recess of who she is and easily comes to her mind...even this morning after sleeping on it! And second, Miss Ava reminded me that waiting on God is important....after all, He said it twice!
One of Ava's biggest struggles is memory. Learning math facts, memorizing spelling words, things like that are a real struggle. And she may have it down today, but then tomorrow it may be as if we never even talked about it.
So yesterday when I picked her up from her church service and she told me she got an extra treat because she already said her memory verse, I am sure I had a puzzled look on my face. She danced around with that light that shines so brightly in her saying, "I already memorized it! I did it during the service! I know it already!" Then she proceeds to say it....."Wait on the Lord, be strong and courageous. Wait on the Lord Psalm 27 dot, dot 14" (she really says "dot, dot"!!) I was impressed. But can I confess there was a thought that passed through my mind that went something like, "we'll see if she can still say it in the morning."
She proceeded to repeat it all throughout the evening last night. Enough, that I now have it memorized! And my memory is mediocre at best! God in His ever humbling ways brought this exact verse to mind just this morning as I was becoming impatient with some circumstances in my life and wanted to just run away from them! "Wait on the Lord! be strong (some translations then say) and don't lose hope. Wait on the Lord." One of the things that Ava said when she told us she memorized it was that God said "Wait on the Lord" twice! John reminded her that when God repeats himself, He really wants us to listen!
Again, God has used my children to teach me a couple of valuable lessons! First, the Word of God is alive and active! It is sharper than a double edged sword and will divide bone and marrow. No, Ava may not be able to remember that 4+6=10, but the Word of God being alive and active planted itself in the deepest recess of who she is and easily comes to her mind...even this morning after sleeping on it! And second, Miss Ava reminded me that waiting on God is important....after all, He said it twice!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Still waiting...
A friend text me and said she had been watching my blog for an update on Ava (thanks, Tracey! :) ). I sometimes forget that my blog readers are not all on Facebook where I update with small things here and there. So let me update on Ava's appointment that I talked about in the last post.
The appointment went well. We really liked the doctor. She listened to what we had to say and worked with us to talk through possible scenarios. Overall, the appointment was good...except that the reality that we may never "know" what is happening with our sweet girl. The doctor didn't really think that she has Fragile X, but there are enough symptoms that warrant testing for it. There are a couple of other genetic disorders that she has symptoms of, so we are starting with testing for those things. If they all come back negative, then we will move to whole exome testing. And we can't start any testing until we get insurance approval, which is where we are right now....waiting on insurance!
One really great blessing is that we found out that the testing that runs $10K-$15K can be done for about $300 out of pocket with some funding that is available since this is all fairly new research and testing as things go in the medical world.
We appreciate all of the prayers and those following her story! I have to say the whole experience has made me press in closer to our Maker and listen for what Ava is created for in order to equip her in the absolute best way possible for what God has for her! Because no test results will change one thing that we already know, she is made exactly how she needs to be made in order to do what God has for her to do for His Kingdom and to bring Him the most possible glory!
The appointment went well. We really liked the doctor. She listened to what we had to say and worked with us to talk through possible scenarios. Overall, the appointment was good...except that the reality that we may never "know" what is happening with our sweet girl. The doctor didn't really think that she has Fragile X, but there are enough symptoms that warrant testing for it. There are a couple of other genetic disorders that she has symptoms of, so we are starting with testing for those things. If they all come back negative, then we will move to whole exome testing. And we can't start any testing until we get insurance approval, which is where we are right now....waiting on insurance!
One really great blessing is that we found out that the testing that runs $10K-$15K can be done for about $300 out of pocket with some funding that is available since this is all fairly new research and testing as things go in the medical world.
We appreciate all of the prayers and those following her story! I have to say the whole experience has made me press in closer to our Maker and listen for what Ava is created for in order to equip her in the absolute best way possible for what God has for her! Because no test results will change one thing that we already know, she is made exactly how she needs to be made in order to do what God has for her to do for His Kingdom and to bring Him the most possible glory!
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Our Ava
Tomorrow is the day! We have waited two months for the appointment and Ava's lifetime for the answers. We haven't shared a ton about our miss Ava. Mostly because we have never really known what there was to share.
She was born at 37 weeks due to me having a potential for blood clots. For those who don't know our family well, she is one of our biological children. So her pregnancy had no drugs, no alcohol and no trauma. Of our nine children, she is one of the least likely to have any "issues" based solely on her start in life. Yet, from the beginning she has had a bit of a struggle. She wasn't too interested in breathing those first few hours and was under an oxygen bubble for the first 36 hours of life. Then a newborn screening came back abnormal. But the second one was normal. There were no symptoms or signs of anything happening, so we continued on with our healthy baby girl. Our pediatrician was always a bit concerned. However, he was the glass half empty guy, and I was the one pointing out it was half full. While I always appreciated his aggressive desire to ensure all was well, I also was quite certain from how my baby girl was doing that he was concerned for no reason. It wasn't until the delay in her walking that I wondered if his concerns were valid. Then there were the times that she played alone...too long. I would talk to family about my concerns, but everyone dismissed them with simple explanations. I would tuck them away and tell myself I was being paranoid. Those who know me well know that I have zero memory! It's why I really NEED to scrapbook! But when I do have a memory, it is very vivid and usually significant. It's like a snapshot that needed to be recorded for future reference. I have one of those memories about my Ava. When she was about 18 months old, I took all three kids to the park. We were there about 30 minutes. The entire time we were there, Ava would walk up the three steps on the jungle gym, walk halfway down the walk way, turn around, come back the way she came, down the stairs, then turn around and do it all again....for 30 minutes! She never left to go swing, she never left to go to the slide, she never left to dig in the sand. Just the same motion over and over. Again, I expressed my concern to John and my parents. I was most certain there were some signs of her possibly being on the Autism spectrum. Although at that time is when Autism was just beginning to be a household name. No one really felt my concerns were valid, so again, I tucked them away. Then there was the way she rarely looked at a camera when we would take her picture. She will make eye contact with you to talk to you, but as soon as you put up a camera, she will divert her eyes many times. Maybe just a quirky thing she does? Maybe a sign of something more?
Her language didn't seem to develop quite as quickly as it should have. Then there was the broken arm just before she turned two that happened from a simple fall from the couch. All of it along with a larger head circumference and extremely long fingers and toes always made our pediatrician a bit concerned. Around age 4, it became more evident that there were some physical limitations. I found myself constantly reaching out for her as she often lost her balance resulting in a fall. She was unable to stand on one foot and balance. Yet therapy was not making much progress. We had an MRI that came back normal. Dr. Nabulsi said he wanted us to go see a neurologist. So off to Fort Worth we go. We would learn of a disorder that seemed to fit her symptoms. We scheduled a spinal tap and returned for the procedure a few weeks later. The results came in as inconclusive. However that did not rule out the diagnosis, and the doctor along with John and I felt it was more likely than not that she had Depo Responsive Dystonia. She began taking medicine that is given to Parkinson's disease patience. We saw a decrease in her stumbling and falling. It appeared that she her speech was a bit easier to understand and came more readily for her. And that was the "real test" we were told of whether or not she had the dystonia. If the medicine worked, then it was for sure the case. We were so thankful we had found it. Many children are misdiagnosed with cerebral palsy and ended up in wheelchairs until the correct diagnosis was found. Then with the medicine, they were back to normal function. We thought we had our answer and proceeded with life normally.
It was evident from the beginning that Ava marched to her own drum! She was an extremely happy and compliant child! She rarely ever, and still to this day, rarely does get in trouble. She has an incredible connection with God! I am jealous at times at the way she believes and the faith that she talks about. She accepted Jesus as her savior on her own...I asked her if she had thought about it one day, and she laughed and told me she had done that weeks ago at church during worship when God had spoken to her! Got to love a testimony like that! Just a few months ago, she was walking down the stairs and got about halfway down before turning around and running back up to me in the playroom with an excitement that was exuding from every part of her being yelling, "He touched me! I was walking down the stairs and God touched me on the shoulder!" While reading that, you might doubt the validity, seeing the glow in her eyes when she said it left no room for doubt that in fact, she had been in the presence of God!
After moving to Fort Worth, her second grade teachers revealed that she had absolutely zero ability to comprehend math. Its a long story that I really should share some time, but I am so thankful for these teachers! It was with this information that we began again searching. I always felt in the back of my mind that there was something else! There was something we were missing...call is mother's intuition or God's prompting, but I knew we needed to keep digging. But our neurologist was a bit dismissive. Diagnosis were thrown around here and there, but nothing that we could nail down.
Then one day one of my perspective adoptive moms called me to talk about a file she was reading for a potential placement. In the file was a genetic disorder that I had never heard of. Normally, I do not stop to look up those types of things on the cases unless I am pretty certain that placement will happen. That did not seem to be the case this time but for some reason that can only be explained as the hand of God, I stopped and googled "Fragile X Syndrome". As I read through the symptoms, it was as if someone had been in our home for the past few years keeping a journal on Ava. Tears began to fall uncontrollably. The first emotion was joy and satisfaction! We might FINALLY have a definite answer to what is going on with our daughter. But those emotions quickly turned to dread and fear as the reality of what that diagnosis means. I guess as long as you don't know, there is hope that it's just late development. There is hope that it's all just coincidental and in the end, it's all going to go away and she will be "normal". But with a diagnosis, those hopes fade quickly.
Tomorrow is the day that we go to talk to the geneticist about Fragile X. We will have the testing done and wait for the results. Can I be honest? I don't even know how to pray! Of course, I want the results to be negative because NO ONE wants their child to have an illness...most definitely not a genetic disorder that could mean a much different future than you had dreamed for your child before you knew of the words that now hold so much weight: Fragile X Syndrome. But a negative test result will not automatically erase all of the symptoms that have us searching for answers! And we need answers! Ava is an amazing little girl who brings joy to anyone who knows her! She says good morning by name to everyone she passes in the school, and they smile back with a "Good morning, Ava!" But she is starting to notice that she doesn't exactly work like the other kids. She is beginning to notice that she is a little different. We champion different in our house! But my words of encouragement as a mom, I know all too well, will only carry so much weight the older she gets and the more defined the differences may become. We need an answer to give her! We need to be able to tell her "this is why" you work this way!
So if we come to mind, pray for us! Most days, it doesn't even cross my mind. But then there are moments like the other day when I came across this picture.
At the park! |
Ava at about three years old |
Her language didn't seem to develop quite as quickly as it should have. Then there was the broken arm just before she turned two that happened from a simple fall from the couch. All of it along with a larger head circumference and extremely long fingers and toes always made our pediatrician a bit concerned. Around age 4, it became more evident that there were some physical limitations. I found myself constantly reaching out for her as she often lost her balance resulting in a fall. She was unable to stand on one foot and balance. Yet therapy was not making much progress. We had an MRI that came back normal. Dr. Nabulsi said he wanted us to go see a neurologist. So off to Fort Worth we go. We would learn of a disorder that seemed to fit her symptoms. We scheduled a spinal tap and returned for the procedure a few weeks later. The results came in as inconclusive. However that did not rule out the diagnosis, and the doctor along with John and I felt it was more likely than not that she had Depo Responsive Dystonia. She began taking medicine that is given to Parkinson's disease patience. We saw a decrease in her stumbling and falling. It appeared that she her speech was a bit easier to understand and came more readily for her. And that was the "real test" we were told of whether or not she had the dystonia. If the medicine worked, then it was for sure the case. We were so thankful we had found it. Many children are misdiagnosed with cerebral palsy and ended up in wheelchairs until the correct diagnosis was found. Then with the medicine, they were back to normal function. We thought we had our answer and proceeded with life normally.
It was evident from the beginning that Ava marched to her own drum! She was an extremely happy and compliant child! She rarely ever, and still to this day, rarely does get in trouble. She has an incredible connection with God! I am jealous at times at the way she believes and the faith that she talks about. She accepted Jesus as her savior on her own...I asked her if she had thought about it one day, and she laughed and told me she had done that weeks ago at church during worship when God had spoken to her! Got to love a testimony like that! Just a few months ago, she was walking down the stairs and got about halfway down before turning around and running back up to me in the playroom with an excitement that was exuding from every part of her being yelling, "He touched me! I was walking down the stairs and God touched me on the shoulder!" While reading that, you might doubt the validity, seeing the glow in her eyes when she said it left no room for doubt that in fact, she had been in the presence of God!
After moving to Fort Worth, her second grade teachers revealed that she had absolutely zero ability to comprehend math. Its a long story that I really should share some time, but I am so thankful for these teachers! It was with this information that we began again searching. I always felt in the back of my mind that there was something else! There was something we were missing...call is mother's intuition or God's prompting, but I knew we needed to keep digging. But our neurologist was a bit dismissive. Diagnosis were thrown around here and there, but nothing that we could nail down.
Then one day one of my perspective adoptive moms called me to talk about a file she was reading for a potential placement. In the file was a genetic disorder that I had never heard of. Normally, I do not stop to look up those types of things on the cases unless I am pretty certain that placement will happen. That did not seem to be the case this time but for some reason that can only be explained as the hand of God, I stopped and googled "Fragile X Syndrome". As I read through the symptoms, it was as if someone had been in our home for the past few years keeping a journal on Ava. Tears began to fall uncontrollably. The first emotion was joy and satisfaction! We might FINALLY have a definite answer to what is going on with our daughter. But those emotions quickly turned to dread and fear as the reality of what that diagnosis means. I guess as long as you don't know, there is hope that it's just late development. There is hope that it's all just coincidental and in the end, it's all going to go away and she will be "normal". But with a diagnosis, those hopes fade quickly.
So if we come to mind, pray for us! Most days, it doesn't even cross my mind. But then there are moments like the other day when I came across this picture.
And looking into that sweet face sitting in front of me, I was overcome with emotions and a desire to go back to this day! We didn't know anything was wrong here! We had no idea that we would one day be wondering what the future held for our baby girl. We had no idea of the struggles she would be facing even as an 8 year old. I just wanted to go back to the innocence and to some extent ignorance.
But despite what the test results say, this I know. Ava Claire is fearfully and wonderfully made by God Almighty! He knit her together in my womb for His purposes! He has a plan and a future for her that is good and prosperous! It may not look like how we thought it would look, but it is full of His purpose and potential for His glory all the same! And when He knit her together, He put a determination in her like none that I have ever known and certainly never seen in a child of her age! It has served her well....and makes her an inspiration to just about anyone who knows her! And He had held her closely, for what I have no doubt will be a lifetime of her using whatever challenges she has to bring her Creator even more glory!
Sunday, January 4, 2015
I surrender....
So today was not a Hallmark movie day at the Petree house! In fact, more than once, I found myself at the end of my rope. I quit at least twice today! We are in a really rough phase with two of our kiddos from hard places. I heard at a conference last year the term "specialized parenting" to describe how you have to parent children with a history of abuse or trauma. I thought of that several times today and wondered if God realized He gave these precious ones in need of specialized parenting a pretty ordinary mother who was thinking she really can't supply all they need. So many times peole tell me, "I could never do what you do"....well, I have news for you, today, I couldn't do it either!
You see, the only way I do what I do is through total surrender! Maybe you aren't suppose to parent 9 children with four of them being 4 years apart in age. But if God asked you to do it, you could do it...through surrender! Because I can't do it either...without surrender!
Having just finished the Christmas season, there were many times the thought, "if....." came into my mind. "If we didn't have 8 children at home we could...." "If we didn't have four kids who are four and under we could..." If we didn't have so many children who require specialized parenting that wears. me. out we could..... Now I know these thoughts are from the enemy and on a good day, I take them captive and shut them down before they ever take root! But on a bad day, when things have been particularly rough, I venture down that rabbit trail just a bit in my mind.
The truth is, at any point that John and I said yes to any of the children in our home, both the adopted ones and "unplanned" biological ones, we could have said no. We could have said to God, taking in a fifth child will cost us too much. We are going to stay comfortable with our four and no more. We could have said losing two from failed adoption and death is enough, we will stay content with our three. We could have said our children have suffered enough over the past year, we are not adding a newborn and 11 month old to our family so that the healing scab is ripped off and the hemorrhaging starts again. We could have told God, I can't do that. And honestly, in a couple of instances, I did. However, He would continue to speak and ask me to surrender comfort, fears, expectations, my view of a "perfect life". And in a matter of time, I would come to a place of total surrender where my true desire was to do that which He was calling me to do!
You see, when we look at people and say, "I can't do that". Maybe what we are saying is, I couldn't surrender that much. Just minutes ago, friends of mine said goodbye to their baby boy. I look at their pictures and think, "I couldn't do that!" But that baby boy and his story reached 100,000 people in the month he was on this earth. His last post included the gospel with an invitation for those who don't know Jesus to meet Him! That my friends, is faith and trust! That is surrender!
What is God asking you to do that you look at and say, "I can't do that!" Is it staying in a loveless marriage? Is it adopting a teenager from the foster system? Is it leaving a lifelong career to follow a dream He gave you years ago? Is it walking away from a friendship that is toxic? If you're answer to a decision you are wrestling with is, "I can't do that!" Then perhaps you need to revisit it and ask, "What am I not willing to surrender to do that?" You see, God asks us to give it ALL to Him! That means my "right" to have a comfortable life because we worked hard to get here. That means my right to use the bathroon without fingers under the door or "MOM!" being yelled from three different places for the 45.6 seconds I am in there! Sure my life would be easier in so many ways with less children. But I also know that every one of these children were placed here by God! And I am thankful that I didn't stop to count the cost at the moment He asked me to accept them as mine....and I am even more thankful that He didn't stop to count the cost when He sent his very own Son to the cross for me! So what do you need to surrender to turn your "can't" into a "can"?
You see, the only way I do what I do is through total surrender! Maybe you aren't suppose to parent 9 children with four of them being 4 years apart in age. But if God asked you to do it, you could do it...through surrender! Because I can't do it either...without surrender!
Having just finished the Christmas season, there were many times the thought, "if....." came into my mind. "If we didn't have 8 children at home we could...." "If we didn't have four kids who are four and under we could..." If we didn't have so many children who require specialized parenting that wears. me. out we could..... Now I know these thoughts are from the enemy and on a good day, I take them captive and shut them down before they ever take root! But on a bad day, when things have been particularly rough, I venture down that rabbit trail just a bit in my mind.
The truth is, at any point that John and I said yes to any of the children in our home, both the adopted ones and "unplanned" biological ones, we could have said no. We could have said to God, taking in a fifth child will cost us too much. We are going to stay comfortable with our four and no more. We could have said losing two from failed adoption and death is enough, we will stay content with our three. We could have said our children have suffered enough over the past year, we are not adding a newborn and 11 month old to our family so that the healing scab is ripped off and the hemorrhaging starts again. We could have told God, I can't do that. And honestly, in a couple of instances, I did. However, He would continue to speak and ask me to surrender comfort, fears, expectations, my view of a "perfect life". And in a matter of time, I would come to a place of total surrender where my true desire was to do that which He was calling me to do!
You see, when we look at people and say, "I can't do that". Maybe what we are saying is, I couldn't surrender that much. Just minutes ago, friends of mine said goodbye to their baby boy. I look at their pictures and think, "I couldn't do that!" But that baby boy and his story reached 100,000 people in the month he was on this earth. His last post included the gospel with an invitation for those who don't know Jesus to meet Him! That my friends, is faith and trust! That is surrender!
What is God asking you to do that you look at and say, "I can't do that!" Is it staying in a loveless marriage? Is it adopting a teenager from the foster system? Is it leaving a lifelong career to follow a dream He gave you years ago? Is it walking away from a friendship that is toxic? If you're answer to a decision you are wrestling with is, "I can't do that!" Then perhaps you need to revisit it and ask, "What am I not willing to surrender to do that?" You see, God asks us to give it ALL to Him! That means my "right" to have a comfortable life because we worked hard to get here. That means my right to use the bathroon without fingers under the door or "MOM!" being yelled from three different places for the 45.6 seconds I am in there! Sure my life would be easier in so many ways with less children. But I also know that every one of these children were placed here by God! And I am thankful that I didn't stop to count the cost at the moment He asked me to accept them as mine....and I am even more thankful that He didn't stop to count the cost when He sent his very own Son to the cross for me! So what do you need to surrender to turn your "can't" into a "can"?
Thursday, January 1, 2015
A Word from the Lord for Parents
I wrote down "strong and courageous" in my journal. I felt in my spirit God was going to ask me to step out of my comfort zone in 2015 to speak boldly for Him. I wrote down Acts 4:29-31 "grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness." I just didn't think it would happen at 1:00 am on New Year's Day! He didn't waste any time!
I have had Words for people a few times, but never a Word for the Body...until now. The message from God was strong enough that I couldn't go back to sleep until I got it out there..so here goes (at 3:46 am)...
I used to be a very vivid and regular dreamer. However, I would not say that many if any of my dreams were spiritual in nature...or maybe they were and I just didn't have the maturity to know it. Anyway, I haven't dreamed like that for a few a years now. Now if I have a dream, it is almost always spiritual. However, not always from God. Sometimes they are nightmares, but whenever I dream, it is vivid! I woke up just after midnight from a very vivid dream. I don't remember being afraid in the dream, but when I woke, the first feeling I had was fear. It wasn't the "in awe of you" kind of fear, but the heart racing, palms sweating type of fear. That is not from God! So I am not saying God gave me a dream, I believe the enemy planted that to cause fear in me. The details of the dream I don't believe are important, but it involved losing most of the people who are dear to me.
Just as quickly as the fear came, a peace flooded over me. Then God spoke. It was a message that He has been giving to me for a few weeks now. But this time it was stronger and more urgent. It is for parents. It is a reminder that we need to be diligent to be covering our children in prayer. It was a reminder that the enemy is out to steal, kill and destroy our children. As the time of Christ's return draws near, the enemy will raise the stakes in his battle for the call on children's lives. This is not a message of fear! This is a message of hope and a reminder that we as parents have the authority to cut the enemy off at the knees and place his head under our heel where he belongs. However, many times in our complacency and busyness of day to day life, we leave the door wide open for him to come into our family, and in particular to our children This is not a call to say bedtime prayers with our children as we tuck them in, while I believe that is vital as well! It is a call to get on our knees and war in the heavenlies calling down God's will for our children from heaven to earth and closing all gaps and holes where the enemy can could get a foothold and take them on a detour.
To confirm this Word, when I woke up, I went to my FB page. At the top is the update of Baby AJ who was born just a few weeks ago at 23 weeks gestation. He is fighting for his life! Just below his update is that of another friend's baby who was rushed into emergency brain surgery last week at less than 2 months old. I believe God has a high call on the lives of these children! And I believe God is already using their lives for His glory as hundreds if not thousands of people storm the gates of heaven for these two babies while their amazing parents point those watching...medical staff as well as strangers following on FB and other social media...to Jesus! Then less than an hour after I woke up, my daughter sends me a text message as she is at a sleep over with friends. It's now about 2:20 am. We end up texting for almost an hour about some spiritual matters! For those who don't know my daughter, let me just tell you, she. is. amazing! But it just confirmed that the enemy is desperately trying to steal the faith, joy and calling God has placed on children all over this earth! And we as parents CANNOT stand by and watch while he does it! We MUST cover our children in prayer and equip them for life in spiritual warfare! We have the power, authority and weapons to win this war, but we must pick them up and fight! 2 Corinthians 10: 4-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.
I believe 2015 is a year that we will see children rising up and leading revival! I am committed to being on my knees for my children...from 19 to 1! God is calling us to cover them all as there is no junior Holy Spirit and He will use them all no matter their age to draw others to Him! Whose with me?
I have had Words for people a few times, but never a Word for the Body...until now. The message from God was strong enough that I couldn't go back to sleep until I got it out there..so here goes (at 3:46 am)...
I used to be a very vivid and regular dreamer. However, I would not say that many if any of my dreams were spiritual in nature...or maybe they were and I just didn't have the maturity to know it. Anyway, I haven't dreamed like that for a few a years now. Now if I have a dream, it is almost always spiritual. However, not always from God. Sometimes they are nightmares, but whenever I dream, it is vivid! I woke up just after midnight from a very vivid dream. I don't remember being afraid in the dream, but when I woke, the first feeling I had was fear. It wasn't the "in awe of you" kind of fear, but the heart racing, palms sweating type of fear. That is not from God! So I am not saying God gave me a dream, I believe the enemy planted that to cause fear in me. The details of the dream I don't believe are important, but it involved losing most of the people who are dear to me.
Just as quickly as the fear came, a peace flooded over me. Then God spoke. It was a message that He has been giving to me for a few weeks now. But this time it was stronger and more urgent. It is for parents. It is a reminder that we need to be diligent to be covering our children in prayer. It was a reminder that the enemy is out to steal, kill and destroy our children. As the time of Christ's return draws near, the enemy will raise the stakes in his battle for the call on children's lives. This is not a message of fear! This is a message of hope and a reminder that we as parents have the authority to cut the enemy off at the knees and place his head under our heel where he belongs. However, many times in our complacency and busyness of day to day life, we leave the door wide open for him to come into our family, and in particular to our children This is not a call to say bedtime prayers with our children as we tuck them in, while I believe that is vital as well! It is a call to get on our knees and war in the heavenlies calling down God's will for our children from heaven to earth and closing all gaps and holes where the enemy can could get a foothold and take them on a detour.
To confirm this Word, when I woke up, I went to my FB page. At the top is the update of Baby AJ who was born just a few weeks ago at 23 weeks gestation. He is fighting for his life! Just below his update is that of another friend's baby who was rushed into emergency brain surgery last week at less than 2 months old. I believe God has a high call on the lives of these children! And I believe God is already using their lives for His glory as hundreds if not thousands of people storm the gates of heaven for these two babies while their amazing parents point those watching...medical staff as well as strangers following on FB and other social media...to Jesus! Then less than an hour after I woke up, my daughter sends me a text message as she is at a sleep over with friends. It's now about 2:20 am. We end up texting for almost an hour about some spiritual matters! For those who don't know my daughter, let me just tell you, she. is. amazing! But it just confirmed that the enemy is desperately trying to steal the faith, joy and calling God has placed on children all over this earth! And we as parents CANNOT stand by and watch while he does it! We MUST cover our children in prayer and equip them for life in spiritual warfare! We have the power, authority and weapons to win this war, but we must pick them up and fight! 2 Corinthians 10: 4-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.
I believe 2015 is a year that we will see children rising up and leading revival! I am committed to being on my knees for my children...from 19 to 1! God is calling us to cover them all as there is no junior Holy Spirit and He will use them all no matter their age to draw others to Him! Whose with me?
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