Friday, March 21, 2008

My sweet Savior

I love Easter! I love reflecting on what the Savior did for me...our pastor always says he doesn't understand why Christmas is so much bigger than Easter because with out Easter, Christmas would just be another day. I didn't get that when I first heard it, but the more I know more Savior the more I get it!

This has been a rough year. Probably one of the roughest ever. I can't put my finger in exactly why, but my faith has been stretched and pulled to new heights. One of the things that struck me when we came home from Liberia this time is the HUGE sacrifice Jesus made for me. I konw that sounds silly, but it really hit me that he had a choice! As we had untrue statements published about us and found ourselves scrambling to defend our selves to adoptive families, government officials, the US state department, etc, etc, I couldn't help but think of my Jesus. He had false accusations made against him too! False accusations that were there because of me! I had to look inside myself and see if given the choice that Jesus was walk away from the suffereing, the accusations, the pain, would I have gone to the cross? I would love to say that I would have, but had I really been given a choice, knowing what I would suffer, I dare say I would have chosen the easier road. Yet, Jesus didn't! As I read in John this morning, it struck me again. John 16:5 says "Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was." He left that glory to come to earth to be falsely accused, beaten, nailed to a cross and die for me....and for you! He left the ultimate relaxing and fulfilling vacation, the most intimate and fulfilling relationship, the most luxurious mansion our minds could fathom, to be born in a stable, grow as a poor boy by this world's standards, carry his cross to a hill covered in blood from my beeting and hang on a cross to die. Knowing that, how can I tell Him no? How can I not tell everyone I encounter about my Jesus? He did that for me...and for you! If I were Jesus, you would all be in trouble! But thank God, my Jesus loved me enough to choose the hard road! Thank you, Jesus, may I live in a way that honors your sacrifice for me!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

I absolutely love this post. I have always said that Easter is my favorite holiday, I have loved it since I was a kid. It reminds me to thank Jesus for what he did. Less glamour, less presents, and less lights thank Christmas, which means more Jesus. I love what your pastor said about Easter.