Sunday, March 2, 2008

Toben quote of the day....

John told Noah and Toben to go put on their pj's. They head to their room and Noah is playfully "encouraging" Toben to move in that direction. Toben turns around, looks at me, and plain as day says (we get major words, but some things definitly get lost in translation...but not this time!), "Noah beat me in the butt!" I tried to not laugh and correct Noah, but just about the time I had myself composed, he said it again! Then I just lost it! He has the most precious voice, and to hear him say that in his sweet voice just pushed my tired brain over the edge to toal rolling in the floor laughter. For those of you with out Liberian children, "beat" means hit! And butt is the main word for your behind! :) We are working on switching to a different word for that anatomy!


Anonymous said...

How funny!!!

Crystal said...

He is so handsome, I love the picture of him : ) I am sure you laugh many times a day with him he looks mischievious, in a life of the party sort of way. Blessings to you guys!!

Bingaling said...

My Ghanaian boys say the same thing when they are playfully "hitting" each other...though, when they say "butt" it comes out as "bunt". So, I often hear "Theo beating my bunt!"
Comic relief to say the least!