Thursday, April 30, 2009

I am not a freak!

I am not a freak! Well, at least if I am a freak, then I have found hundreds of people like me who are freaks too! :) It was amazing to hear things that I have told people for years coming out of so many people's mouths today! God has really encouraged me today in the work that I do. He has also made amazing contacts that I am still in awe!

Seven years ago when we adopted Noah, I said that the church is the answer to the Orphan crisis and that GOd is stirring His people! Well today, I know that is so true! I was in a room with hundreds of people who say the same thing and are seeking God for what role they have to motivate the Body of Christ to be the answer and answer the cry of the Orphans here in the US and around the world!

I am sure there will be many blog posts to come about these two days, but for right now, here are some quotes from the speakers I heard:

Dennis Rainey

"Proclaim the needs of the orphans"
"Be a person who can see circumetances through the eyes of God & believe for a lot with just a little bit."
Leveredge one another's strengths. It is about all of us working together. Check your egos and your logos at the door! (I LOVE that one!)
"The church is the key!"
"We are never closer to the heart of God than when we care for those who can do nothing for us!"
As you start a church ministry for adoption, expect opposition, petiness, people to be people, BUT expect God to rase up a huge army to fight!

President of Christian Orphan Alliance
"We are cutting against everything the world says is valuable - but it creates an awe and wonder that thew orld will take notice."

Rob - who spent 14 years of his life in a US orphanage before aging out
"He [Jesus] got betrayed by people he should've been able to trust. That one I understand."
Eternal life doesn't matter to some one who doesn't know if they will live to be 21. But the idea of spiritual water that woudl sooth the soul got his attention.

Emily Chapman Richards
"The world woudl be in shock and awe as an undivided church rise to the ocasion."
"It's a priviledge to care for orphans."

Lightning - my newest friend! He is 17 and came home from Liberia 3 years amazing young man..and he spoke tonight
"Adoption became a word of hope and a prayer of all our hearts."

Dr. Moore
"What is at stake is not simply human life....what is at stake is the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Joseph of Nazarus adopts a baby and changes the world."
We must communicate that this is not just about building families; it is about standing before the demonic powers asking to sift the children like wheat and say, "I don't think so!"
To develop an adoption culture, you must have people who will seek the wisdom of God to order their lives, have people who will allow God to direct their steps - they have to be wiling to let go of the American dream.
Adoption means adjusting to a new home - such it is always with orphans like us - there is always a part of us wanting to return to the squaller from which we came because it is more comfortable than being in a home with a Father.
"adoption teaches us about spiritual warfare"

sorry for any eyes are just about crossed, so I am going to be now to try to shut down my brain!


Barry and Amy said...

How awesome! So glad to find someone else passionate about orphans!

Emily said...

Awesome quotes! The one from Rob struck me.