Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Could it really happen?

So after I posted my "Dear Addy" post, I had this wild of those times that something so strange pops in your head that you think it has to be God, but also so much a desire of your heart that you are scared it is flesh??

I am headed to Liberia with Callie at the end of this month (well, if God brings the funds I will be!). Liberia is right next to Sierra Leone. What if Eden's dad brought her and they came to Liberia to see us? Then Callie could finally meet Eden whom she still calls her sister?! And I could see my precious girl again! Is that weird? Would it do more harm? Am I just being selfish? How would Callie really handle actually meeting her? Would it work?

I don't know, but man it has me excited thinking about!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Go for it! You don't know what the future holds and how long Callie would have to wait for another chance at that. What's the harm in just asking? Go for it! That gets me all excited for you guys!

Hey - you and I have to talk! I have some God moments to share & they are scaring the socks off of me!

;) Karen