Saturday, December 20, 2008

He's official!

We got the papers in the mail yesteray! Toben is officially ours in Texas! Liberia gives a full and final adoption decree, so he was already legally ours. But in Texas, you have to do a recognition of the Liberian court decree so you can file for birth certificates, social security, etc.

It is anti-climactic, really. We didn't even have to go to court...just sign some papers, but it feels good to have the legal stuff done so he can just be Toben Petree now! Plus we got his birthdate changed to what the x-rays (and our instincts) say he is....which means he will turn four next month! He can't wait! Has no clue what being four means, but knows that birthday means presents and cake! He hasn't caught on to Christmas yet, but he can't wait for his birthday! Oh how that will change, huh?! I kind of like his innocence! We sing "Happy Birthday, Jesus" a lot around here!! He announces every time he hears the word "birthday" that he will have a Power Ranger birthday!

He has been a joy! Really, we are so blessed! As I look back over the last year and all that has happened, Toben has been a real champ! I have traveled to Liberia twice in his first year home, that would be a HUGE no-no in adoption world terms. But I serve a God that is bigger than adoption psycho babble, and he has done perfect....because you see, God knew that Toben would come to a home with a mommy that would travel internationally when He made him! So he made him with the ability to handle that! I just love that God is a God of details!

As we told him, you are now official, no sending you back! :) He just laughed! He has a great laugh!

Thank you God for my second son! Thank you that he is home this Christmas. God, you know my heart. And everytime I see my son, I see the faces of the children not home. So while I rejoice at my son being home, I ask that you bring the other sons and daughters home too! Thank you for families who haven't give up. Thank you for workers that love our children until they get to us! Thank you for sending your son....we can't wait to get our kids out of Africa and into America, yet you knowingly sent your son from heaven to earth just because of your love for us! A love I can only fathom! Thank you! What a privilege to call you Daddy!


Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...


Staci said...

How totally awesome!!! What a huge testimony to your dedication to our wonderful God that we can do all things through HIM!!!