Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday Night

I will attempt to post...I have little Courage sitting on my bed playing with a puzzle, but she just became keenly interested in the computer! She touches it and grins...and is getting closer and closer to the keys! All the other kids are in the living room watching the new "desk" aka: DVD player! I brought movies for them. They just finished Barney and Bibleman and are now watching an animated Bible.

Today we went to the Embassy and met with the Consular. We got some wonderful information and plan to implement some things with new kids...which will cost more money! So if anyone wonders why we charge the fees we do, I will be happy to share with them all this costs that pop up!

Then we went to the Ministry of Health to get an appointment with the man that controls the main reason I am here....case histories! When we walked in, he was standing there, couldn't avoid me, so we went in to talk. The first thing he says is that there was a 2 week old baby in his office just then that was in need of care. I immediatly said, we will care for her! So he picks up his phone to call the mom. Couldn't get her, but said he would let her know. The bottom line is a lady looking for help for her child came to him, and he sent her away! But this is the office that is telling us adoptions shouldnt happen? So by the time we got done with our round the bush conversation, I just came out and told him that I was not holding my adoptive parents off any longer as it looked to me like we had a human rights issue. If they cannot care for kids and would prefer to keep them on the streets, starving, without education and clothes, then seems to me we have a human rights issue! I told him that I would no longer ask my adoptive parents to not conatct their senators, etc to voice their concern over a government that would let their children starve rather than be adopted. At that time he said we would need to end our conversation so he could eat his food and we could make an appointment to come back. He said I could calm down and come in relaxed and kicked back like him. I laughed and told him I was relaxed and calm. He hasn't seen me any where near riled up yet! I am not Liberian in that way! So this man who would glady give us a baby to care for, doesn't want us to do adoptions! Craziness! I just don't understand! I am really trying, but I don't get it!

On the funner side of things, when we were headed into town, we dropped one of the matrons off with Alphonso the youngest baby we have ever had inthe home. I got to hold him in the car, and he laughed and laughed! He was just precious! But my heart sank as I knew it would be months before his new mom could hold him and he woudl change so much! The babies are the hardest for me because I know how I would feel if my tiny baby was changing every day in my abscence! Toben was a little easier as he didn't change that much in the time we watied, but babies change every day!

After the ministry of health, we went to the baby store! I had a blast! I bought two baby beds, a walker , some more baby dolls for the girls and a musical mobile to put inthe crib. I need to get more beds to put in the container as I think we can find some at garage sales, etc cheaper, but we need beds now for these babies! I want our home to be as excellent as it can be since we represent God's work.

After that we went to lunch. I had one of those moments that you just think God planted you in. Earlier, I had been talking to the driver, and found out that he desires to Pastor a church, spread the gospel and shepherd God's people. Over lunch we talked more, and he shared his heart on the body of Christ. We have the same heart! It was so neat to hear him! I had wondered earlier if he might be the pastor for the church we want to put out on the compound, and after hearing him, I think he just might be!

We all sat around dreaming about what we need...the home, a school, and what the man told Jeremy today is a clinic! He says that even when they can afford to go to get medical attention, they die before they get to the hospital. So clinic got moved up on the list. We just need money! They got to see me throw my tempertantrum about how I hate money!!!! So I have to get home and get to work on raising funds for all of this!

When we got home this afternoon, I started sorting through the BOXES of books two of our wonderful families collected and sent over here. The kids started looking through them, and I got excited! I have to just make sure the staff knows the books are to be USED and not just sit there!

Well, I need to let Jeremy e-mail his wife! So I am going to sign off. Serena has come in to sit on my bed, and Courage is not to happy about sharing her puzzle!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

Sounds like you had a full day. I love that the government worker needs you to leave and stop talking to him about starving children in his country so that he can eat his food. What irony!

We have to get you passed hating money. Seriously, we are going to have to work on that. Money isn't something to hate. It is provided by God and used to do his will. He provided every dime for the orphanage and school in 7 months, and I know a medical clinic will not cost as much as $60,000! God can bring that in no time.

We can have a medical clinic that comes out to the compound and sets up on Saturdays. Then people can get medical attention before we have a separate building!

Thanks for letting Jeremy email me. It made my day!