You hear so much about the orphans of Haiti right now. You hear people wanting to know how to adopt those children left behind or suffering. That is awesome! I have read some wonderful dialogues on facebook where people are asking great questions. But the fact is, disasters leave orphans EVERY DAY in many countries in the world today! The only difference is the media doesn't cover it!
AIDS will orphan 40 million children this week. Hunger and starvation will orphan probably more than that or kill ones who have already been orphaned. Lack of clean water will do the same! If you have been moved to inquire about the children of Haiti, can I challenge you to not stop with Haiti? More than likely adoptions in Haiti will stall as children unmatched with families from the earthquake will have to be verified as orphans which can take months if not years in a crisis like this. But there are children all over the world...and right here in America who are just as in need of homes.
My friend Alicia challenged her facebook friends to start right now to obtain a homestudy to be ready in a moments notice to adopt a child in need! I think that is an amazing challenge for Christians who take seriously the charge to care for orphans!
And if you don't feel called to adopt, find someone who is and support them! Or find a place like Addy's Hope that is committed to caring for children even when adoptions have been closed for 12 months, but the money is gone. Our children are the ones who suffer the most! We need more money to give more food and make sure the children, God's children, are cared for not just to the point of survival, but to thriving! We could use your help right now!
Don't stop with Haiti, please! They need your help, yes! Do what you can there, but then do more!
HollyAnn, are these three together? I didn't know the connection if they are.
Very nice post...very well worded!
Yes, Karen, they are brother and sisters. And Solomon will be quick to tell you that! He is so cute about his little sisters!!!
So difficult to see Solomon's protruding abdomen from malnutrition. Praying for provision for all the kids in the orphanage.
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