Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just some updates

I don't have a ton of time to blog this morning, but there is lots going on for those of you following me on this crazy ride! And I didn't want to leave you hanging...especially those praying, I want you to KNOW that your prayers are effective and are moving heaven and earth to accomplish that which you are asking!  Thank you and PLEASE keep praying!  So here is my life in bullet points this morning....somehow it seems appropriate since that is how I feel like I live right bullet points! :)

  • Addy's Hope is shoring up our foundation!  Made a payment of a little over $1200 yesterday thanks to some very generous donations from those who read my letter!  Thank you!  We are now down to a little over $8,000 needed for Project Firm Foundation.
  • We have a little over $200 for Hope's Promise, the maternity home.  We had another team meeting today. The ideas just fly around the table!  It is exciting. We have our official event on June 29 - please be praying for the people who will be attending that they will know "if" they are supposed to have a part and if they are, what part is it!
  • We have our first major fund raiser set for November 7 - a clay shoot!  We are VERY excited about this and the possibilities!  We have another fund raiser in the works for October...stay tuned!
  • We had another team meeting on the maternity home today and it is crazy the ideas and energy that this team has as things pop around the table in discussion....and then they get it done!!!  They are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!
  • I survived my second birthing class this week! Only two more to go and then the real count down begins!
  • We are still looking for office space and trying to figure out what that looks like for the agency.  
  • I am still trying to juggle being a working mom and a stay at home mom all at the same time..especially during the summer.  But definitely enjoying my kids being around more!
I think that is all them major points!  Lots more posts rolling round in my head..hopefully I can stop and get them down soon!  I need a vacation! :)

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