Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Journey: Baby Girl

So the journey continues! All would be proud of me as I have been to Target AND Wal-Mart and have not bought anything pink! :) I tried, but with doing Dave Ramsey and not totally sure we are getting Baby Girl, everything I put in my basket ended right back on the rack! Well, I do have one confession...I am currently winning a new baby sling on ebay! Never had one with my other kids, but also was not working! Baby Girl will hopefully love the sling and will stay nice and quiet in there while I work...I can dream for now, can't I?!

Honestly, I haven't really thought a lot about Baby Girl. Really just yesterday did I even start thinking about what would actually happen if she did come to live with us. Really not sure what to do with all the emotions and thoughts right now. So I try not to think about it too much.

Didn't have any contact with "Sally" yesterday. Talked to her some today as I am going to try to take her around town tomorrow to help with some of the steps to get Baby Girl back. We will see how that goes. Looks like I may also get to meet baby girl when I take "Sally" to her visitation. But I will also have all four of my kids with me, so will play that by ear!

Today in church was the first time that the overwhelming emotions really came! During praise and worship, we were singing a song that talks about being surrounded by God's loving arms. I lost it! Out of nowhere this wave of emotion over came me. Last night as I laid in bed trying to go to sleep, I kept asking God if I needed to put the baby bed up. I don't know what CPS would do if they came to drop her off and we didn't have a baby bed set up. It is in the attic...we can have it down and set it up in less than an hour. So more than likely between when we go to court and Baby Girl actually arrived (IF the judge decides to place her with us), we would have time to get it all set up. I knew John wouldn't be too excited about setting it up before we know for sure she is coming, but I wanted to ask God for His input.

I felt a resounding answer: set up the bed! For practical purposes, the baby bed can stay in the attic until we know for sure. However, God showed me that I wasn't putting the baby bed up because I didn't want to face an empty baby bed if His will for right now is to leave Baby Girl in the home she is currently in...if God's will for right now is for me to minister to Sally and work with her and not Baby Girl. I am really ok with that and excited to have the opportunity to work with Sally. But I also would love to know Baby Girl is in a safe Christian home...particularly, my safe, Christian home! God was telling me that I have to learn to quit stuffing all these emotions that come with the roller coaster of fostering/adoption and feel them and trust Him with them! From the time Eden didn't come home, I have really struggled with reconciling my emotions with my faith and reality and trusting God all at the same time! So I have developed this coping mechanism of just denying all feelings so I don't have to deal. Well, that only works for so long!

And God showed me last night that stuffing and pretending the emotions don't exist doesn't allow me to trust Him and rest in His love while I feel all the emotions. So when I was singing about being surrounded by God's love, the fears let lose! But it was a good release! It was so awesome to "feel" all the fears and still feel safe! In that moment, I knew that through the past 4 years since Eden didn't come home, I have learned to trust God with my heart again!

So we will put the baby bed up. Not because we have to, but because it is a physical symbol that no matter what happens, I am trusting God with my heart. Even if that baby bed is empty this time next week, I will be ok! I will be disappointed (and I'll let you in on a little secret....John said he will be too! :) )and maybe even a little sad. But I will be ok! AND it is ok to be disappointed and sad!

Tomorrow will be a long day! Finger prints in the morning, delivering documents to the fostering agency, driving Sally around wherever she needs to do for a couple of hours, then taking her to visitation. That said, I better get to bed!