Financial Freedom, here we come!!!!
I am determined to see every little blessing that God brings as we walk this path to financial freedom. It is not just about paying off debt or not using credit cards. It is all about walking in obedience to God's word! It is about not being a slave to a lender (Proverbs is FULL of verses about this)! It is about living on what we make, not on what we think we are entitled to make or have. It is being thankful for what God has provided, not wanting more than He has given.
Last Sunday right after the plastic surgery (in case you haven't figured it
out yet, the plastic surgery was the cutting up of the credit cards! :) ), I had to deliver a lamp that I had sold on Craigslist to the lady who bought it. She was working at a cupcake bakery right by our house. I was glad to take the lamp to her, but I had a little sadness that I was going to this really cool cupcake place, but I couldn't buy my kids a cupcake.
When I got there, they were about to close for the day. I gave the lady the lamp, and she gave me her money. Small blessing number one: she was going to give me $8 for the lamp, but handed me a $10 and told me she didn't want any change. You may say it is only $2, but to me it was God saying, "see, I am already blessing your efforts!" THEN (blessing number 2:), she asked Ava if she wanted a cupcake! Ava of course, said yes. But it didn't stop there, she asked me how many kids I had at home. I told here there were four total, and she handed me a BOX OF CUPCAKES so all my kids could have one!!!!! That may seem silly to some, but to me it said, "Daughter, I even care enough about your desires that I am providing your children whom I love more than you ever could with a special treat!" It isn't about the cupcakes! It is about God showing me that He was thrilled with my steps of obedience and His encouragement to me that this wasn't going to be a horrible journey of denial and misery....instead it is going to be a journey of seeing God provide for us when there is a need...and even sometimes when there is a totally frivolous cupcakes!