Monday, February 1, 2010


I have removed comments from my blog. If you know me, you know how to get in touch with me to leave a response to a blog post. I enjoy my friend's comments, so please e-mail them to me. I just don't enjoy the comments of people who don't know me and therefore don't have a clue about what they are talking about when they comment.

I just have a different philosophy about blogs than most people, I guess. I read blogs...the ones I don't agree with I either stop reading or just don't comment about as I feel it is their blog and their feelings. I don't feel it is doing anything constructive to criticize anyone on their blog whether I agree or not. If I don't agree, I don't have to read it. And if I know them well enough to have concerns about what they post, I let them know my concerns in a non-public forum.

I still think it is important for us to live our lives transparently. However, I don't feel that it gives everyone in the world the right to criticize. I obviously am a little in the minority in this thinking...but I practice what I preach in that I don't leave criticism on the blogs I read either. I believe in supporting people through their blogs.

Thanks to my friends who have been so supportive of me in my "commentors" posts! You guys rock! :)