Today my first born turns 9! Nine years ago my baby girl entered this world. On weeks like this, I sometimes wonder what I hear people say, "Why would you want to bring children into this world?" Yet, I look at all four of my children and can't imagine what my life would be with out them!
My dearest Callie,
Nine years! As I teased you earlier this week, this is your last year in the single digits! As I listened to you and Makayla talk about the woes of being the oldest, I had to grin just a little..always having to be perfect, getting blamed for everything your younger siblings do...the list went on! Since I am the baby of my family, I can't totally related. However, I know that you had the distinct disadvantage of being the one who got to be the guinea pig of my parenting! I look back and just pray that God will cover the multitude of mistakes I have made. But when I see who you are on the days when you are laughing and we are sharing a joke or a secret laugh about something one of the younger ones has done or said, I know God has already covered so many of them because of who I see you becoming!
You have always been my spiritual little one! You understood more of the spiritual world at 3 than I did at twenty. From your vivid dreams of "Red Rover" to your heart for orphans. When Toben came home last year, you just blossomed. You poured your heart for orphans into this little boy that represented to you all the world's hurting children. As I see you care about the orphans whether through the money you raised for GAL or through sharing your mommy with 57 little dark brown children halfway around the world, there is a part of me that wants to tell you to run like crazy! Tell God that you will do anything but care about children in far away countries! You see what it has done to me, and you cry with me when I can't hide it from you. But at the same time, I know my number one job is to teach you to follow God with all your heart, and that means somehow finding a way to do that myself and make it look appealing. I am failing miserably at that right now! I am sorry, my precious girl! But as I always tell you, parents do the best they can with what they have. I just pray once again that God will make up for my short comings! He is big enough to do that!
I am sure we will have our share of disagreements over the coming years as you are well on your way to being a full fledged "tween"! But I pray that through it all, I will teach you to cling to Jesus my sweet girl! For no matter what this world throws at you, and no matter what circumstances look like, He is your only hope of making it through! He will be your source of unconditional love, your Solid Rock. Cling to Jesus, Callie, cling to Jesus! Happy Birthday my sweet girl! May you have many more to come!
My dearest Callie,
Nine years! As I teased you earlier this week, this is your last year in the single digits! As I listened to you and Makayla talk about the woes of being the oldest, I had to grin just a little..always having to be perfect, getting blamed for everything your younger siblings do...the list went on! Since I am the baby of my family, I can't totally related. However, I know that you had the distinct disadvantage of being the one who got to be the guinea pig of my parenting! I look back and just pray that God will cover the multitude of mistakes I have made. But when I see who you are on the days when you are laughing and we are sharing a joke or a secret laugh about something one of the younger ones has done or said, I know God has already covered so many of them because of who I see you becoming!
You have always been my spiritual little one! You understood more of the spiritual world at 3 than I did at twenty. From your vivid dreams of "Red Rover" to your heart for orphans. When Toben came home last year, you just blossomed. You poured your heart for orphans into this little boy that represented to you all the world's hurting children. As I see you care about the orphans whether through the money you raised for GAL or through sharing your mommy with 57 little dark brown children halfway around the world, there is a part of me that wants to tell you to run like crazy! Tell God that you will do anything but care about children in far away countries! You see what it has done to me, and you cry with me when I can't hide it from you. But at the same time, I know my number one job is to teach you to follow God with all your heart, and that means somehow finding a way to do that myself and make it look appealing. I am failing miserably at that right now! I am sorry, my precious girl! But as I always tell you, parents do the best they can with what they have. I just pray once again that God will make up for my short comings! He is big enough to do that!
I am sure we will have our share of disagreements over the coming years as you are well on your way to being a full fledged "tween"! But I pray that through it all, I will teach you to cling to Jesus my sweet girl! For no matter what this world throws at you, and no matter what circumstances look like, He is your only hope of making it through! He will be your source of unconditional love, your Solid Rock. Cling to Jesus, Callie, cling to Jesus! Happy Birthday my sweet girl! May you have many more to come!
To celebrate, we had a sleep over...Callie and 8 friends. It was fun! Really, they did very well. We had a High School Musical Themed party. They had all kinds of snack foods, and we played a "Get to know you game" while they ate. It was a little scary as each answer seemed to involve something about kissing! John was leading the game, and after about the fourth answer with kissing in it, he looked at me and said, "I think I might need to leave the room!" I just laughed! Later, they were doing their own thing....which for nine girls involves lots of screaming! John asked if I thought they were having a good time, and I said yes. Then he said, "Well, if noise level is any indicator, they are having a blast!" I had to laugh again! Poor John! He really was a trooper! So was one point somehow all the girls ended up in his room and a wrestling match insued. We ended up with a goose egg one of the girls and a bloody lip on Noah. But I think that was all the blood from the evening!
We made journals for the girls to take home. It was a mess, but they were pretty!
too funny Noah!
Hope Callie had a good time.
Happy birthday Callie!!!
I love that picture of Noah :)
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