Thursday, January 29, 2009

Experiencing God

I am always amazed (not sure why when I think about who God is?!) that God places exactly the right words at exactly the right time to speak into my life whether through friends, Bible Study or what I am reading. There could not have been a better lesson for today than where I am in Experiencing God. So here are the highlights!

God is interested in the World's coming to know Him. The only way people will know what God is like is to see Him at work in their world. They will know His nature when they see it expressed in His activity. Whenever God involves you in His activity, the assignment will have Godlike dimensions to it....When people see something happen only God can do, they come to know God.

What our world often witnesses today is a devoted, committed Christian or church serving God. But they are not seeing God. They don't see anything happening that can be explained only in terms of God's activity. Why? Because we are not attempting anything that only God can do.

The reason much of the world is not being attracted to Christ and to His church is that God's people lack the faith to attempt things only God can do.....If people in your community are not responding to God the way they did in the New Testament, one possible reason is that they are not recognizing God in what you are doing as a church. God is far more concerned with your walking with Him than He is interested in getting a job done for Him.

~Experiencing God by Henry & Richard Blackaby: Unit 5, Day 3

If you have never done this study, I HIGHLY recommend it! But only if you want to be challenged in your faith and obedience to a God sized God!

Which is a great segway to THE CONTAINER FOR THE ORPHANAGE PROJECT SHIPS TODAY! Yes, the President put a hold on all adoptions on Monday & yes, adoptions fund the care of the orphans that will go in the building that is in the container & yes, adoptions and donations will fund the school that will be built with the materials in the what does that mean.....THIS IS A GOD-SIZED event! Can't wait to see what He does and pray that He draws those closer to Him that are watching it all unfold!