Wednesday, April 30, 2008

CEO, "P-tree" Family

As I have thought about my role in my home, the description I love best is CEO. Yet as I have been praying about my role in my home and the unorganization, chaos that seems to always be in the Petree household, I realized that as CEO of the "P-tree" family the way it is now, I would have been fired! I am not exaturating orf looking for pats on the back to tell me I am doing well. I truly would have been fired if I was as ineffective at running a company as I am at running my home. We are always playing catch up. I never seem to be able to get on top of things so that there is any planning ahead. For example, John and I had a meeting last night that we have known about for almost 2 weeks, but I was on the phone at 3:45 looking for a baby sitter! I am tired of living like this! So that means change is in store here at the "P-tree" house!

Now I am as inept in the busines world as they come! So I am not totally sure that looking at myself as a CEO is going to work either, BUT it is a good place to start and reminds me of the importance of my job here at home.

Having said that, I am looking for help! I need to put operating systems into place. Not just a schedule, but true operating systems. If you have suggestions, please leave them in the comments so that I can try them out! I mean things like how do you keep up with your children's chores? How do you handle paper work? Who has what duties in your household? How do you plan meals, shop, etc? I am open to any and all suggestions! The P-tree Family is about to get a shake up and I couldn't be more excited! I'll keep you posted!


Emily said...

hehe this isn't helpful but here is what it looks like here......

4:30pm I panick that dinner is coming and I have made nothing!! However when I am not doing that, make things in a crock pot!! Its the greatest thing!

Also find out what you are, I am a morning person, so I get all the basics (kitchen, bathrooms, make beds...) done first thing before I can check my email or have a 2nd cup of coffee.

Kids doing chores.......gosh I envy those people.......

Not Betty Crocker said...

I have no suggestions but love this post. I love how you're viewing yourself as CEO of the home. I too, struggle with staying on top of everything at home and my kids aren't even home yet.

Karen said...

OK, I honestly would have to say...I'm with you sister! The older they have become I have had to let more things go and have the rest of the family do...because I would be up 24 hours otherwise.
So...we list their chores, they do pets, recyclying or trash, drying the they dust and vaccuum. They make their beds, the two oldest change their sheets now. I have to really let things go and remind myself that everyone has their own way of doing things and their own way of learning. When their responsibilities aren't done I have to take their priviledges away.
I am also a person that needs routine. The hardest thing I have to overcome is giving myself grace when those things don't happen that day...because of other things that take presidence. Dust on one day, vacuum on another...ect.
The dinner thing...the days you have it all together and you are cooking a meal, double it & freeze the other half so you have it on another day that isn't running as smoothly. :)
Good Luck!

Brandi said...

My best suggestion is one WHOLE day of laundry. This way, it doesn't hang over your head the rest of the week! You just know. . laundry gets done on Mondays and you plan to stay home all day and work on it. .

Meals? No suggestions here as I really stink at that!


Liberia Adoption said...

A friend of mine gave me this
I bought ($8) their download, printed it off and keep it in a binder. It has been lifechanging for me. Everything is smoother b/c I have a plan. I look over it and plan my day including dinner. I do this in the morning before my quiet time and my mind seems more at peace to hear the Lord. I don't manage to stick with it every day, but I notice a huge difference when I do. Also starting dinner about an hour earlier than I theoretically need to really helps b/c there are always interruptions. I can let it simmer or cover it in the oven, if by some chance it is done early.