Thursday, November 6, 2008

Still hurts

You know, when you are wounded by your Christian family, the hurt lingers. I think I am ok, then something happens to spark the hurt again. Not anything big. This morning, I was cleaning out some old e-mails and came across some from my mentor. I had a 3 year relationship with this person. I considered her among my spiritual heroes...still do. She was my "spiritual mother". There was a breech of confidence in that relationship that was very painful. Obviously, that breech meant I could no longer share the intimate details that I once did, but it didn't change the fact that I know she is a Godly woman who follows hard after God. She is still human, and made a mistake. I took it for what it was. I still wanted to maintain contact. But evidently the feelings were not mutual.

That has been the hardest part about leaving our church. After five years of dedicating our life to that body and investing in the lives of people there, I can count on one hand the number of people who have not dropped us like a hot potato! And really, those are people who have kind of stepped up from the background, not our close friends. Why is that? I really don't understand that. We have made it clear to everyone we speak to that we are disappointed in the leadership, wish they could give Biblical, spiritual reasons for the way they treated us, but that we still wanted to maintain relationships with all our family there. My saying is, we are leaving the church, we are not dead! But I guess to many, those are one in the same. That hurts!

On a positive note, we are having lunch with the pastor and his wife of the church we have been attending. So far we are VERY impressed with their philosophy on ministry and their willingness to meet people right where they are and provide what their body needs to take the next step in their spiritual growth. Seems that there are some who talk about pacing, and there are some who do pacing! So we are really excited to see what comes of that. John met with the music/missions minister last week for lunch and was very impressed with his philosophies and passion for involving others in missions. Both of these lunch meetings were initiated by the pastors, not us! There is a new concept, at least for us common, not in the "in crowd" people.

We know this church will not be perfect either! It is made of humans like us! But it seems to be much more humble and open to new people than our last one. That is exciting! So maybe we have found a church home! I pray so!


Anonymous said...

We had not been to chuch since you guys left so on Sunday it was sad to not see John playing the keyboard. I understand your feelings. We have not even met our pastor face to face and we have been there for 3 years and the other day the pastor from Crossroads called us to see about Autumn and we met him on Halloween night to talk since his daughter has SB as well. There are people who have been wonderful to us through this whole process and some we thought would be there for us really have not taken the time to call or write. We just have to remind ourselves they are only human and we have to rely on God for our comfort and not humans. It does not make it hurt any less though when you give and do not receive but remember God sees what you have given and He will bless you for it even though others don't acknowledge you. I am so glad you guys have found another church you enjoy. I do miss taking care of your kids at church-you have a wonderful family.

Learning in Liberia said...

Praying that this is the church for you.