Tuesday, November 25, 2008

T-minus 4 days and counting!

So yesterday, I got our hobby room almost painted and got my shopping done for Thanksgiving! Tried to get most of my shopping done for the trip, but that always takes more than one trip no matter how much I plan!

Today I will finish the painting do John can lay the floor, and then hopefully move in my stuff! I can't wait! Didn't realize how much of an energy drain all of the "stuff" in that room piled up was until it was all cleaned out and open! God has been telling me for three years to get organized! I haven't ignored him, but haven't really known what to do either. I find that them more I listen, the more He tells! :) ha! that was a "Duh!" statement if there ever was one!

I am also trying to get all the "work" done for the trip today. I have some reports that I need to get printed at the print shop and also business cards for the workers in Liberia.

Then I have to clean house! We are putting up our Christmas decos tomorrow since I will not be back until just two weeks before Christmas. I hope I get lots done today so that I can enjoy tomorrow since this is Toben's first Christmas here! I want to enjoy every ooh and aah he has as we set up all the lights and talk about what a marvelous Gift God sent us in His son! We have a new nativity (took me this long to find one!) that the baby Jesus comes out. It is larger than most nativities. So it will go under our tree in front of any gifts with the empty manger until Christmas morning! Just one more way to remind my kids that this is about JESUS not all the fluff, but I do enjoy the fluff too!

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