Saturday, July 26, 2008

Headed to the airport.....

....just as soon as I find my other shoe! I imagine a little munchkin with either two or four legs hauled it off is there, but the other is not!

I have told many of you I would post a prayer list, so here it is:
  • Pray for my family that I leave behind!
  • Pray for wisdom and discernment as I seek to know God's will for the future of our ministry in Liberia
  • Pray that I am able to move each case at least one step forward
  • Pray that I have favor with officials I meet with and am able to get solid answers to the many questions that I have
  • Pray for our three families who will be picking up their children
  • Pray for the two children I will be bringing back to their parents
  • Pray for easy access through the airport
  • Pray that I would hear God each and every second of the time I am there so that I can walk by faith and not by sight.
  • Pray that I am His hands and feet to the "least of these"

I could go on and on.....but this is a great start!

I know I am walking into a battle. I don't know exactly how to explain this...I don't mean that I am going to actually be warring with "anyone", but Eph. says our battle is against the evil in this dark world, not flesh and blood, and I know I am walking into a great battle for these kids as well as the future of our ministry. This morning, I could not get up out of my Bible study spirit was willing, but my flesh was weak! Over the past six months it has been my place of solitude, rest, and safety! I knew this morning that it was the last time I would leave before the battle ensued. So as I sat there, God reminded me that He is not just with me in "the chair", but He is with me wherever I go....even to the ends of the earth! So with that I got up and packed the last bag! My armor is on and I am ready for the fight!

Oh, and as I was typing this, Noah found my shoe! Praise God even for the little things.....He is faithful! So we are off to eat breakfast as a family then to the airport!


Anonymous said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

YEAH! Good work Noah. haha I will pray everyday while you are in Liberia. Call or email if you need anything!

Anonymous said...


It is so neat to get to watch God's work in you! Thank you for being his servant and helping bring our children home! We are so thankful.... We will be praying for you daily! I'm praying that God will cause all the officials and people you will be working with to "roll out the red carpet" for you!!!!!

Your the best!

Love, Abby