Monday, July 21, 2008

The Race is on!

So, I leave for Liberia in 5 days! My list is longer than my time! Plus tomorrow is my precious Noah's birthday, so add a swimming party to the list! But I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me, right?!

I am totally excited about my trip! God is opening doors right and left for our ministry, and I am so excited to see where it takes us! I will share more as it progresses.

For now, let me just say that my friend Kami rocks! You can see her blog here. And you can see how she and her husband are partnering with us in our ministry by clicking on the box to the right of my blog that is orange and in the shape of Africa. If you know anyone in Colorado, PLEASE let them know about our benefit dinner! If you have a blog, would you please put an excerpt on there about it! Kami and Jeremy along with their friends with Passion Africa have worked super hard to make this dinner a success, and we need to sell all the tickets for it to be the biggest success possible! Oh, AND, the most exciting thing..........TOM DAVIS, AUTHOR OF RED LETTERS AND FIELDS OF THE FATHERLESS IS GOING TO BE THE INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKER! How cool is that? That is a total God thing! So please help us spread the word about the dinner! I will be there too, but I think Tom will draw a bigger crowd than me! ;0)

So I better stop blogging and get to work!


Crystal said...

Praying for your travel and for all to go well in Liberia!!!! Love, Crystal

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

Thanks for the plug HollyAnn! I am so excited about your trip to Liberia. I am also really excited that you are going to be up here hanging with me in less than 3 weeks!