Tuesday, August 26, 2008

God's sense of humor!

I know there is some argument out there about whether God actually "talks" to us. Well, I don't care what anyone says, God talks to me! Not in a big booming voice, but in the small voice in my head that sounds like my voice, but the more I get to know Him the more I recognize the voice and distinquish it from my own. I used to tell our youth group that we led (as 'hearing' God was one of their biggest questions) when John and I were dating, he would have to say "this is John" when I answered the phone, but now that we have been married for 10 years, he no longer has to tell me that.

I digress....as I was sending an e-mail to some one this morning about an issue in my life, I stated that I am praying for one way in particular because it would be easier for us to do. As soon as I hit send, I heard the voice say, "And where would the glory be for Me if you could do it?" Oh so true!!!