Monday, August 18, 2008

More fuel for my fire!

So we checked the papers and the Deputy Minister of Ministry of Health and Social Welfare had not written any articles about us this time as he did last time, but evidently he did go on the radio saying our organization had taken children out of the country illegally. This was AFTER I sat in his office with our country director and an adoptive father and he said that he has no jurisdiction over our cases as they were done before he came into office and he had no problems with these kids leaving! He is up to his old tricks. And it is not just with our organization. He has made horrible accusations against another group as well causing 41 children to not receive education and care because of his lies.

Are we going to stand by and let our government fund this kind of action from top officials? I don't plan to! I will be posting the information for contacting the Senators later this keep checking back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My goodness! This is just absurd. All I can think of is the poor children in Liberia that are not getting the chance at a hopeful future.