Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Noah

There have been so many things lately that have reminded me of what I would have missed had fear of unknowns and fears of people's reactions kept us from taking in a little boy 7 years ago!

Callie has always been a VERY spiritually in tune little girl....very serious and deep! But Noah, "he is take is for what it is" man! He has made several comments lately that just make me know for sure why God says we should come to him with the faith of a child!

He played football for the first time this year! He loved it! On his last game there was a huge rainbow in the sky. When Noah got in the car after his game, he said to John's dad, "Granddad, do you know why that rainbow is there?" Granddad: "No, why?!" Noah: "Because God missed my first game, and he wasn't going to miss the last one!" How priceless is that? At 7 years old, he takes God so personally! There were 6 football games going on, but that rainbow was there for HIM! :) I pray he never loses that!

Then on Monday when I took Callie and Noah to school, we were talking about how this is the first year that they both go to school as believers. God gave me the verse for them for this year out of Matthew 5. I was loosely quoting it saying that God calls us to be a light on the hill for the world, to be salt and light so that the world can see our works and glorify God in heaven. This little voice from the back seat interrupts me and says, "Mom, Can I be the light?" Mom: "Well, God says we have to be both salt and light." Noah: "Thank you, Jesus, that I get to be light!"

Then last night we were coming home from a friend's house who has a Wii. Noah says he asked "him" for a Wii, xbox 360, and a few more things I didn't have a clue what were. I asked him who he asked for those...he said he asked Jesus to tell Santa! Maybe there is a little issue that he thinks God talks to Santa for some who don't "do" Santa, but just the fact that he would be asking Jesus for his desires makes my heart sing!

What a joy it is to watch my children grow in their love of the Lord and take Him at his Word! I learn so many spiritual truths from my children! I guess that is why I would love to have more! :) Hint, hint, John! hee! hee!

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