Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Wow! The past two weeks have been a whirlwind, and I am still spinning! I am home, but my brain is still in flight, I think. I am exhausted after coming home from Liberia and then turning right around to go to Colorado for the benefit dinner for the orphanage project.

Both trips were amazing! God is showing up in ways I never dreamed! He truly is so faithful. I am learning how much easier life is when I don't stress, but trust and obey and leave the rest up to God! Not that I have that down to a science! It was much easier when I was in Liberia and was focused on only one thing. It is much harder now that I am home with a marriage to maintain, a house to clean, meals to cook and four children who have not seen their mommy in almost two weeks!

You know quite a bit about the Liberia trip. The ending was full of drama yet again! I will give details at a later date!

But I do want to share that the benefit dinner was HUGE success! They raised over $9,000 in one evening! We are still just in awe of how blessed we were that night! On top of that, Tom Davis spoke! He really charged the attendees to pay atention! He reminded them that now that they knew of the situation in Liberia, they can not just walk away! They have an obligation to act just like the Good Smaritan! I loved that analogy! I spoke with Tom quite a bit. We are two of a kind! We are both pretty outspoken...I know that is shocking news about me! hee!hee! I told him that God stirred something in me when I read about Swaziland in Red Letters! I told him when he went back to Swaziland I wanted to go with him and meet with officials and see what they thought about the possibility of adoption and us working in that country. It is in desperate need of help! Adoption is not the only answer, obviously! But it can help a few and the resources made from adoption can help many! What I am finding about adoption is that it is not my calling in and of itself. It is just the avenue God has called me to work in to make people aware of the suffering of the people in the countries where we work! Only a couple of our families have gone to Liberia and returned with their children making that the end of the road. Most of our families have come home and found a way to better lives in Liberia. One family drilled a well, several families have sponsored older boys so they can go to college, several send clothes, music and other gifts to boys they met while traveling to pick up their children. They are pouring back into the country that is the home land of their children! I love that! Adoption introduced them, but their desire to help the "least of these" keep them involved! That is what i want for Swaziland!

I could go on and on! Russ, Sam and Jamie from Red Letters Campaign were also there! What a neat group! Russ and I talked at length about how to motivate the body of Christ to overcome this orphanage issue. They just have such a heart to motivate people period! I am so excited to see how God uses these men and their wives to connect the body of Christ so that arms can find legs and eyes can find ears! Then the "body" will be functioning as a whole! Wow! What a day of rejoicing that will be! :)

I am exhausted and have to get up at 4 am to look over adoption laws and weigh in with my take on the bill! So I better hit the hay! I just wanted to get something on here so you would know I did make it home and am still alive and kicking! :O)

Good night!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

How exciting this all is !!!!! May He be glorified through all thi. You are such a worker for him, HollyAnn : )