Sunday, September 28, 2008

Daniel Fast Nachos

I haven't written a ton about our fast because, well, I don't have time and I don't know what to say! Our friends Kami and Jeremy are doing it with us. This is their second time to do it, and they have inspired us to try!

This is day four of 21, and so far the toughest! John and I both miss meat really badly today! I miss milk, John doesn't! And I miss my coffee every morning!

But tonight we had a yummy dish! John made guacamole and I made chips out of whole wheat flour tortillas (thanks to Kami's expert directions). We had a can of refried beans and some black olives with some all natural hot sauce. It was yummy! Makes me realize how much I don't have to have the cheese and sour cream, etc, etc! They were just as good and so much healthier!

While I have seen the weight loss, I haven't seen the wonderful feel good feeling of eating healthier. In fact, I was really dragging at the end of this week. Maybe that is my body detoxing from sugar and cafeine! I know nothing about what all that stuff does to you!

I haven't felt that much more connected with God yet either. However, I do have to say that right before we started, I knew we needed to do it! I was ready! I was ready to be disciplined in something that I am usually not able to be. Food is a biggy! And I imagine as the days go by, it will get harder and harder to deny myself the things I crave, and that is when God will have to step in and do it for me! I imagine those are the times He will show Himself big time!


Emily said...

Hang in there!! Those nachos look really good....... Great now you have made me hungry!

missy said...

Nachos look great! We had something similar for lunch. We're actually doing a modified Daniel Diet. Not calling it a fast because we're not doing it for spiritual reasons and we are allowing ourselves 5 splurges a week.

Here's a little tip that worked for me last time with the coffee. I would drink my morning water in my coffee mug and sometimes even warm it slightly. I would also warm up pure apple juice and add a bit of cinnamon. At the other end of the day when I was used to a glass of wine, I would drink my water from a wine glass. It also helped to throw some fruit into the glass just for effect.

Hang in there. You're doing great.

whenpigsfly said...

Well I think those nachos do not fit into the catagory of any "fast" whatsoever !! LOL!! They look great and pretty much the way I like to eat anyhow.
Praying God will give you some of those "good feelings" real soon. I know He is pleased with your "Temple renovation plan"!
Big hugs,

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

Those nachos look yummy!

God will reveal himself. Jeremy and I have been reading more and praying more. WOW!

The denying might get harder, and then for us it got easier as we grew adjusted to things. You are doing great.

Anonymous said...

You go girl. You can do it!