Sunday, September 28, 2008

The past week

Once again, I find myself with much to post, but not much time. So here is a run down of my last week:
~My computer crashed, so I am having to work on the kids' old, slow computer! Another reason for not many posts this week! Luckily it had two drives, and I had saved almost everything on the D drive, so I have all my pictures and most of the data. Thank you God!
~ Started the Daniel Fast. It is going well. I am really missing meat today! I have lost 10 pounds in 4 days! That is in sane! Of course, I know some will come back, but can you say, "Reality Check" on weightloss and what I thought I was doing!
~ We got to see our very good friends the Buntyns last night when they came through town after a track meet! They just brought home their two beautiful girls from is always a little surreal when I see the kiddos I helped bring home playing with my kids in my home! I LOVE it!
~ I spoke at a 55 and older group at a church in a neighboring town. It is my parents church, and I just went to share with them what we are expectations! Just their weekly "program" for that week. Well, turns out, they were extremely touched by our work and are considering supporting us as one of their missions! Go figure! Just goes to show that God will provide even when your home church won't!
~ We are visiting a new church this morning. Finding a new church just stinks! I hate it! I don't know what to judge a church on, I don't know what to consider. There is no perfect church. So what things do we compromise and what things do we not? The longer we are away from our old church the more I see how blinded we were to so many things. I don't want to be that way again! I want to be where God is moving and people are serving OTHERS..not just themselves! I want to go where there is action and not just talk because faith without works is dead! But I also want to make sure we agree on theology as my kids will be taught there! Yet, do I really know what my theology is as it changes the more maturity I get! Things I thought were in scripture, I learn were just inbred when God reveals His word to me, I realize what I thought was theology really wasn't! Yet the churches I went to taught it as theology. Totally confused? me too!

Well, time for church! Here we go! God, give us Your eyes to see and Your discernment to know if this is our home!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

You might not gain all the weight back. Jeremy and I didn't. We gained some back, but the fast taught us how horrible we were eating and we made permanent changes in our lives. We eat sweets and meat and dairy, just in much different portions than we did before. GO HOLLYANN AND JOHN!!!