Tuesday, November 25, 2008

anonymous comments blocked

I know I have some friends who comment with anonymous and then sign their names. I hope you have blogger id's that you can sign in and still comment as I love hearing from you!

However, I have blocked anonymous comments from my blog. Evidently there is someone out there who thinks they know me really well but doesn't have a clue about the heart behind my posts. I am all for opposing comments and challenging my thinking, in fact I seek that out in my life in the form of mentors! But for someone to do that and not have the guts to sign their name to their opinions, doesn't really make me value their thoughts at all. If you don't want to sign your name, then I don't want to know what you have to say! I think that is just a basic corteousy of blog posting! I was ok with it on the adoption issue, but this person seems to just keep hounding away. If you would like to reveal your identity, I would be happy to have a discussion with you about these topics and welcome the criticism, but if you are not willing to talk about it with out hiding, then I don't think its worth my time.


A. Gillispie said...

I feel the same way about annonymous comments! Blocked mine about a year ago for the same reason. If you're going to comment, leave your name!

Have a great trip HA!

missy said...

ooohh...i just hate that. curiosity got the best of me and i had to go looking for the comment. wish i actually had the guts to write the words that went through my mind, but i know that would serve no purpose. just know that i feel your pain. i have been the victim of dear old anonymous more than once. i usually just delete them. will be praying for you trip. wish i had time to get some supplies to you. maybe next time.
love, missy

Anonymous said...

OK Hollyann - I'm here to publically speak my mind. Are you ready? Here it goes.

I think your great! Keep up the good work!

John Lawler

HollyAnn said...

Ok, John you made me nervous there for a minute! I thought you were going to say you were "anonymous!" I wasn't going to be able to belive it! So I am so glad your comment didn't end the way I thought it was going to! ;)

Thanks! You are sweet! Today was just one of those days I wanted to waive the white flag, but God gets me through those days, and mercies are new every morning! :)

Anonymous said...

ha-ha, Glad to make you smile!

But you are right, mercies are new every morning. Reminds me of a schoolteachers poem I like.

He came with quivering lip, the lesson was done.
Have you a new sheet for me dear teacher, I've spoiled this one.
She looked at my sheet all soiled and spotted,
gave me a new one all unspotted, and said,
‘do better now my child.’

I came to the throne with a trembling heart, the day was done.
Have you a new day for me dear Jesus, I've spoiled this one.
He look at my day, all soiled and spotted, gave me a new one all unspotted and into my tired heart He cried – ‘Do better now my child’

Mercies are new every morning, just like the sun. And in the words of CS Lewis “I believe in Christ as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else”

Have a great trip and take plenty of pictures of my boy!