Monday, November 17, 2008


That is the sound of a door shutting!

I just got an e-mail from the agency. She talked to the b-mom today who now says she wants an open adoption. I am not a fan of open adoption for a multitude of reasons. I am great with letters and photos through a third party, but not total open adoption. I know that is not a popular view, but add it to the list of my not popular views!

Plus the bmom liked a family that she had already sent a profile on. So they are having a conference call on Wednesday with that family. This bmom hasn't even seen our profile, I don't think.

As I was just discussing with a friend, why does God place these desires so long before the fulfillment?


missy said...

I find myself asking the same question.

Bonky's Mom said...

Ugh. I'm so sorry. Frustrating and confusing beyond words. Sigh!

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

Good question! I've been asking that for a long time now too. I know part of the reason it is happening for me, but it isn't the only reason things are taking so long.