Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why I do it...

Why do I stay up till 2 am sending e-mails? Why do I get up at 4 am to read a child's rights bill? Why do I get so fired up when I read an article like I did in my last post or the report in my posts before that? Here is why!

The children in the home where our kids stay in Liberia wrote a song for me and surprised me with it when I was there! I will try to figure out how to get the video of them singing it on here, but for now, these are the words!

Mother HollyAnn she gave us freedom

She gave us equal opportunity

She put us in her arms

She shows us love that no one knows

The Mother of Greater Love

May her name continue on

May her love continue on

Her name is HollyAnn

the Mother of Greater Love

I have children counting on me....that is why I do it!


Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

That is why you do it! That is why we are with you in any way that we can to help! Go HollyAnn Go!

Emily said...

Oh my gosh that is so sweet!!!!

Emily said...

Oh my gosh that is so sweet!!!!