Saturday, October 25, 2008

How many?

So how many people can you fit in the P-tree house? We currently have three adults, 9 children from 9 years to 7 months, and one teenager! And I LOVE it! When we bought this house, I prayed that God would use it to glorify Him. So I thought we would host a small group or something like that...but I never dreamed we would have it full of kids and their family! What a blessing!

The adoptive mom for the children we have been taking care of has come to spend time with them until the lawyer has all the paper work needed to let them go to their home. Pray for her...pray for them....she is going from 2-5 children and this will be their 3rd "mommy" to adjust to in just 4 weeks.

They are doing great and as I type, I hear giggles galore coming from the bedroom where they are staying! What a sweet sound!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

WOW! They are staying with you too! YIKES! I am glad to hear it is working out and that you are having a good time. I am excited to know that the 3 extra kids at your place will be home soon!