Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A rough road

I have kissed two little boys more today than they have probably been kissed in their life.

But the hurt these boys have can't be healed with kisses.

At nine and seven, you should not have hurts that can't be kissed away.

I have rocked two boys today whose feet drug the ground as we went back and forth.

I sang words over each of them that I wondered if I even believed as they came out of my mouth.

I cried with them.

I thanked God for my little dark brown boy who didn't hurt this way when he came to us.

I thought of a girl still in West Africa...does she cry tears for me?

I wanted to run up and down my street telling people that there are hurting children and we need more people to help.

But along with the pain today was the unashamed, uncontainable laughter as children were in a swing for the first time feeling their stomach drop as the swing went back and forth!

We did have some great times today....and this is why we press on through the pain and travel the rough road! There is a pot of gold at the end....and little nuggets of treasures beyond wealth along the way!


Christi said...

I am so happy that you are there for these kids! Remember that I am just around the corner. My kids love to entertain and I can't sing really well, but I am a great rocker and swing pusher!

Anonymous said...

Praying for their hearts to be healed and filled with His love and thanking God for the time He has brought them into your family.

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

Oh how I love your heart for these, and all hurting chidlren. Well, all children for that matter.

Crystal said...

You are an awesome Mommy and your comittment to children in need is so obvious to all!!!!! God Bless you and these little ones in your care : )

whenpigsfly said...

HollyAnn, I know those are three jewels in your crown which will shine like no others!! How happy they look and how happy the Father wants them to BE!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for being open to being open. You and John have taken on a biggie, but then , nothing is too big for God! Praying his bigness all over you in days to come!!!

jana said...

Hollyann, though I know you offered your heart today to many people and things...your heart comes through this message and yet it ministers to me as well.

Simply, Thank You.


Anonymous said...

This makes me tear up. So beautifully written!